When it comes to coaching women in their health and fitness journeys, one of the questions I have them consider is “why?” Why do you want to start this journey? Why does it matter to you? Why are you motivated to do it now, in this season, with these tools?
In order to be successful on any journey you need to make it personal. Whether it’s your health, fitness, blogging, or emotional journey YOU need to have a reason. You can’t do it for someone else. No matter how compelling your motivation is or how impressive the promised reward at the end might be, unless you do it for your own reasons and can answer your own “why,” you’ll fail.
I don’t want you to fail.
I want us to train our brains to stop taking the easy, well-worn path of jealousy when things don’t go our way. I want to put a road block at those paths and detour toward joy until THAT becomes the path of least resistance. Our brains actually work that way – it’s amazing.
My “why” has a lot to do with where I feel God is taking me in this new journey. He’s not calling me to stages or publishing or platforms or any of that. He’s calling me back to what I love – words. Using them to champion the projects of other women. Editing them to make other women shine brightly. Sharing them in a way that brings people together in community.
I can’t do any of that for anyone else if I choose jealousy instead of joy. I can’t simultaneously wish I WAS that person and also authentically help launch her dream into the world. And, ultimately, I do want to leave a different legacy for my daughter so she doesn’t have to do all this work later.
- What’s your “why?”
- How will retraining your brain help you go where God is leading?
- Where has jealousy held you back from living the life God has planned for you?
I am learning this lesson right now. I thought it was ovvious until I started trying to write it out.
Thank you needed this this question is where I am in my health and writing dream.