“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it. Read more here!
The Photo:
The Photo:
This Behind the Scenes story is a little different. It’s not about my kiddo, my family, or our vacation. It’s not even about me, really. The Behind the Scenes story of my God Sized Dream is about God. It’s about a God who knew me so well that He put me in Holley’s Gerth’s God Sized Dream Team so that He would be glorified. It’s about a God who drew me to community, surrounded me with a team of prayer warrior women, and then took away the one thing that was holding me back from chasing His dream for me with my whole heart.
It’s a path that started last October at Allume. For those of you heading to a conference soon, take note. This introvert avoided saying “hello” to every single “big blogger” in the building. I didn’t want to “bother” them … at least that’s what I told myself. The reality? I was terrified that they would look right past me, wondering who this “nobody” was trying to interrupt their reunion with their friends.
But not Holley. God wouldn’t let me walk past Holley without saying hello. It was completely out of my character and only happened with a boost of Holy Spirit strength, but I stopped by her table after dinner one evening and introduced myself. Nothing special. We didn’t suddenly become best friends or write a book together or stay up all night talking.
I just said hello.
And she remembered my name later that night and invited me over to chat. I was nervous and talked too much, and then not at all, and then found a reason to escape and feel completely….sigh….me. But God didn’t plan for that to be the end of our story, and when I wasn’t looking He was behind the scenes building a community that would change my life.
I began my journey toward discovering my God Sized Dream very selfishly. I read the invitation to join the God Sized Dream group and thought “That sounds exciting. I bet that will be good for me and help my blog grow.” Before I had even prayed about what this dream might be, the application was sent and out of my hands.
I thank God everyday for that gracious gift. He took my scratched out entry, a dream I wrote and promptly forgot about, and has humbly taken me on a journey alongside some incredibly brave women. And on this road I discovered new passions for editing (and a new God Sized Dream to one day work as an editor, and to write a book, and to use my talents to serve others). But more than that, I found a friend who walked beside me. A woman of incredible integrity, kindness, strength, and courage. A sister who has shown me what community is supposed to look like – and how to stay in it when it’s not pretty.
After you link up will you join me in reading my God Sized Dream post over at Holley’s blog today? She’s been so gracious to allow me to share my words on her space 🙂
I love this… the photo just shines and the story behind it… well – I am looking forward to meeting some of the ‘big bloggers’ but mostly – it is the kindred spirits that are getting me all giddy – no matter how big their following is!
But – the real question is – will you do this on a Wednesday or a Thursday? 😉
I love that you felt you needed to clarify – for the record – that you don’t nor have ever done drugs! Maybe that is part of your elevator speech? hehe
How fun to see how God is always working behind the scenes. It’s also encouraging to see how God is fulfilling the dreams of others and remembering how each is unique as we are all unique and gifted in different ways.
This is hilarious, Jessica! 🙂
So now you’ve gotten me even more excited about Allume! and made me feel more comfortable about not being a big blogger at a big blogging conference.
The prevailing thought of many is that since the Bible was not canonized until sometime between 300 and 400 A.D. that the church of Christ did not have New Covenant Scriptures as their guide for faith and practice. That is simply factually incorrect.
The Lord’s church of the first 400 years did not rely on the man-made traditions of men for New Testament guidance.
Jesus gave the terms for pardon 33 A.D. after His death and resurrecting. (Mark 16:16) All the words of Jesus were Scripture.Jesus did not have to wait for canonization of the New Testament in order for His word to be authorized.
The terms for pardon were repeated by the apostle Peter 33 A.D. on the Day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:22-42) The teachings of the apostles were Scripture. The words of the apostles were Scripture before they were canonized.
The apostle Peter said the apostle Paul’s words were Scripture. (2 Peter 3:15-16…just as also our beloved brother Paul , according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand,which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures…
The apostle Paul’s letters and words were Scriptures when he wrote and spoke them. Paul did not have to wait for canonization to authorize his doctrine.
John 14:25-26 ‘These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to you remembrance all that I said to you.
The words and writings of the apostles were Scripture and they did not have to wait for canonization to be deemed authoritative. The apostle did not use man-made creed books of the church or man-made oral traditions to teach the gospel of the New Covenant.
Did the early church have written New testament Scriptures? Yes, and they were shared among the different congregations. (Colossians 4:16 When the letter is read among you, have it read in the church of the Laodiceans and you, for your part read my letter that is coming from Laodica.) Paul’s letters were Scripture and they were read in different churches.
They were New Testament Scriptures long before they were canonized.
Matthew A.D. 70
Mark A.D. 55
Luke between A.D. 59 and 63
John A.D. 85
Acts A.D. 63
Romans A.D. 57
1 Corinthians A.D. 55
2 Corinthians A.D. 55
Galatians A.D. 50
Ephesians A.D. 60
Philippians A.D. 61
Colossians A. D. 60
1 Thessalonians A.D. 51
2 Thessalonians A.D. 51 or 52
1 Timothy A.D. 64
2 Timothy A.D. 66
Titus A.D. 64
Philemon A.D. 64
Hebrews A.D. 70
James A.D. 50
1 Peter A.D. 64
2 Peter A.D. 66
1 John A.D. 90
2 John A.d. 90
3 John A.D. 90
Jude A.D. 65
Revelation A.D. 95
All 27 books of the New Testament were Scripture when they were written. They did not have wait until they were canonized before they became God’s word to mankind.
Jesus told the eleven disciples make disciples and teach them all that He commanded. (Matthew 28:16-19) That was A.D. 33, They were teaching New Covenant Scripture from A.D. 33 forward. The apostles did not wait to preach the gospel until canonization occurred 300 to 400 years later.
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I just love your words and your heart!! What a beautiful thing that Dream Team has been! Counting the 3 days down before I get to hug you tight at the Declare Conf…can’t wait!! xoxo
Remember that time that we met at Allume and then I told you how you would be a community builder and the oh boy did you ever become that?
And guess what? I did the exact same thing as you did. Avoided all the big bloggers and used the excuse that I didn’t have a voice to talk to them with. Nope, just didn’t want to have those self-loathing moments afterwards when I was certain that I embarrassed myself. We are kindred spirits.
Oh, and I made an offhanded comment about drugs to Holley Gerth because I didn’t realize that she was sitting next to me and randomly turned to the person next to me (not knowing it was Holley until 2 seconds after the words left my mouth) and made the comment. Oy. She just smiled and nodded. I just smiled and died on the inside.
I vow to not do that this year. I vow to walk right up to Holley and make a comment about drugs to her face fully knowing what I am doing…Wait, now I just sound like I talk about drugs alot. I have never and don’t plan to ever do drugs for the record! Boy this was a long comment.
Love it! I am so nervous that this will be me at allume this year. I have a horrible habit of tripping over my own tongue when nerves hit, and I know I’ll probably say something really dumb and probably a bit offensive to someone I admire (It’s happened before, it will likely happen again :)).
Thanks for all your encouragement! 🙂
I will be going to the Influence Conference this year and just recently joined the network (which is awesome). Some of the tips for first time conference attendees was not to be afraid to approach a “bigger” blogger, because they are women living life just like the rest of us! So neat God orchestrated this relationship for you both! Kinda wish I was going to Allume, too…but I didn’t even know about that conference until a month ago! Maybe next year?!?
Beautiful and lovely!!
So beautiful 🙂 He does tend to take those far away dreams we crumble up and throw away and do amazing things!!
I have thought about attending one of these types of conferences, but I think I would probably act you did. I am pretty introverted. Thanks for your story as a reminder that good things generally happen when you go for it. Thanks for this space!
Love this – and can’t wait to meet you this weekend at Declare! Thank you for sharing…SO ENCOURAGING!!!
Holley will probably be the only “big” blogger I will feel comfortable walking up to and saying hello. And only because of our dream team. But maybe with all the bustle and energy of Allume I will feel better and more confident. I can’t wait!
I love this Crystal! You speak to my heart on so many levels. I still want to pinch myself and think Im dreaming about actually going to Allume in October. Who am I to get such an opportunity? I just feel blessed to read your words and so many of the other ‘big’ bloggers. I must just remind myself you are all ‘real’ people and no different than myself. Although, its not going to make the shaking in my voice any less 🙂 Love you girl! ~Jenny @jnnyrvn
I truly love this story… that’s sort of how I feel about you friend. That I just want to meet you, hug your neck and chat… and that has me all shaky with excitement. And just so you know, right in this picture of you and Holley your God Sized Dream lights your eyes… You just can’t look at this picture whitout thinking “Wow – there is a special something coming down the pipes” Love you friend.
Love this story and love you, girl!! It’s been such a blessing to dream God sized dreams alongside you. What a beautiful story…God was smiling BIG that night!!!
This speaks to my heart when I want to stay in the shadows and just watch. This will also help me to get out there and just say HI at Allume. I am excited to see where God will take you and how He will use you to encourage even more women!
This is amazing and exactly what I need to hear as I prepare to go to Allume. I’m an introvert and this is really going to take me out of my shell. But i cannot wait! I’m looking forward to reading your post at Holley’s space. I’m heading there next!
I’m so looking forward to meeting BOTH of you (in)RL soon! Friend, you are a blessing, and your journey is beautiful. I’m so glad God crossed our paths…I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do in and through you and the dreams He’s given you! (((hugs)))