Read: Psalm 46:10
If you’ve read “Holy Hustle” or even just most of these posts this month, you’ll notice that I have a much easier time sharing about work than rest. But for us to truly keep our hustle holy we need both. Rest is hard for me because my natural inclination is to hustle and strive. I’ve lived long enough with my flaws to understand that, buried deep inside, I believe if I’m not working, I’m failing. And if I’m failing, I’m worthless. But in the same way I believe we can serve God in our work, I believe we honor Him when we rest.
We need to slow down, spend time in the Word, and be quiet enough to hear God’s voice so we are better equipped to do the work He’s calling us to do. When I try to go 24/7 without a break, not only do I burn out, neglect my family, and serve as a poor steward of my health, but I start to make hurried decisions based on my agenda and dreams instead of listening to God’s quiet guidance.
Charles Swindoll wrote, “God never asked us to meet life’s pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demand that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest.”
God worked and called it good, and He rested and called it holy.
We are invited to join Him in that rest, because in those moments we can lay down our burdens, abide with Him, and do what He created us to do to refresh our souls for the coming days.
Rest, for me, used to look like sitting on the sofa and mindlessly snacking while watching television. I thought I deserved that break, that doing “nothing” was how I was supposed to relax. But I often felt more exhausted, gross from all the sugar I’d consumed, and completely unmotivated to do anything at all.
May I bust a myth for you? Rest looks different for everyone. I have friends who are energized by a long morning run where they can be alone with their thoughts, prayers, and the pavement. I have other friends who are rejuvenated by gathering people in their home for good food and great conversation. And you might find you are at your best rest when you’re reading a book, creating art, playing music, or gardening.
God has created us with such care that there should be no surprise our rest can be as unique as our work. How will you create margin for rest in your life today?
Who can you invite to join us for our “Holy Hustle” book club? The best part? You don’t even need to leave your house…or your pjs! Virtual book clubs are so much fun…just pop in here occasionally and share your thoughts on the post for that week, connect with some new friends, and drink all the coffee you want! Plus, you can ask me all the questions you have as you read…questions about publishing, my story, my favorite thing to order at Starbucks, etc.
Thank You. I need to here that today. Rest.