Every October for the past four or five years I’ve participated in the annual Write 31 Days challenge. It’s a writing challenge that pushes writers out of their comfort zones to write every day, for 31 days straight. It’s not about waiting for inspiration to strike but about getting some good old “butt in chair” time to just WRITE. Some of it will be amazing, some of it will be garbage, but at the end of 31 days you’ve accomplished something amazing.
This will be the final year for the challenge.
I’ve had the honor of running Write 31 Days for the last few years and, like all things, the season for this challenge has come to an end. The expectations from the other participants are far too high for something I run on my own, for free, in my spare time. When this first started ten years ago there really wasn’t a writing challenge like this anywhere else – now there are loads of challenges you can participate in, from blogging to novel writing to Instagram posting challenges. And I’m confident that there are plenty of people who run them better and can meet those expectations. I’ve also lost the support and encouragement of the former community and I no longer get excited to start – or participate – in the challenge.
Sometimes good things just come to an end, and when you’re doing your very best to live a work hard, rest well life, it’s important to know when God is giving you a “no” so you can say “yes” to other things.
But we have one final challenge and I’m excited to see what God is going to do through it. It’s been on my heart to write more devotionals to help women start their days with Jesus so we can keep our hustle holy. The 10 day devo on YouVersion has been such a blessing to tens of thousands of readers, and I love that format – short & sweet! So that’s what I’ll be working through this month – a series of mini devotionals to help us keep our hustle holy.
Can I share something with you? In a world where we can see what everyone is doing, people are using other people’s ideas all the time, and we struggle with comparison and competition, I want to be honest with you. I’ve been writing about Holy Hustle for years – probably three years at this point. When I first started writing about it, no one else was using phrases like that. I wasn’t part of any groups for women in business or Christians in business – it was just me, writing about a phrase that reconciled work and rest in my mind. Now there are art prints and groups that use similar phrases and I love it! It’s an affirmation to me that this is a message that we need, a shift in mindset that helps us embrace the path God has placed us on. But my book, these devos, and whatever comes next? It’s all just what I feel God asking me to be obedient to write about. I don’t belong to any groups that use similar language any more because I don’t want to accidentally be overly inspired by something I read or hear. I don’t read similar non-fiction by any other Christian authors because I don’t want to mix up what God is teaching me with what someone else is sharing. It’s how I protect my heart, stay focused on where God has ME, and how I can work and write with honesty and integrity.
So, starting tomorrow, you’ll see a mini devo-a-day here on the blog and we’ll celebrate the final challenge AND what God is doing in our hearts as we embrace holy hustle. Here we go!
Gina says
Like Marsha, I am new here, I heard about this 31 day challenge from Amy Hale and decided to look it up. I am not sure yet how this is going to go since there it is so much going on every day and finding the time to write is going to be hard but, God is telling me to give it a try so I am going to listen and go for it. Have been deciding on a topic to write about and as I type this message, God gave me the topic. He IS amazing. Blessings to all!
joymcd305716439 says
Thank you Crystal for hosting this challenge.. this is my 3rd year and I have enjoyed it so much the past two years! I am sad that it is the final year you are hosting it, but I totally understand! Following the Lord’s promptings is so important and it will be interesting to see where He leads you next 🙂 xx
Serene says
“I’ve also lost the support and encouragement of the former community and I no longer get excited to start – or participate – in the challenge.” This is sad. 🙁 But I am glad to have done this last year and this year. I was not going to because I am feeling rather overwhelmed at the daily life stuff that needs to be handled. But I am glad I obeyed that still small voice to just do it. And then I read that this will be the last year. It has challenged me to go beyond my comfort zone and I know what I can do when given the push by the Holy Spirit. Thank you and may He continue to bless the work of your hands.
Michelle says
Hi, Crystal! It has been such an honor to write under your influence and encouragement. Even though we will miss you, it’s heartwarming to know this is what you WANT, something YOU are called to do, and that’s awesome! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope someone will take over this challenge, or that I will be able to find another one similar. I just love it so much! It really motivates me to write on a consistent basis. Thanks for your guidance!
Tara L. Ulrich says
Crystal, thanks for leading this challenge the last several years. The Write 31 Days challenge has been such a gift to me and has helped me grow in so many ways as a writer. I pray that maybe someone else will take this on or a similar writing challenge. You are so right, sometimes we just have to say no to something in order to say yes to something else. Happy Writing!
Jacey Verdicchio says
Thank you for your faithfulness, honesty and heart for the work (and rest!) God’s given you. xo
Carolyn White says
Crystal, I’ve followed your journey and have been inspired by you for many years. What I love most about you is that you have always been uniquely you! Your transparency and honesty let’s God shine through. Let’s do the next 31 days and give God the glory.
Carol Sickmeier says
While I am sad that this will be the last year for the challenge, I applaud your obedience to heed the voice of God. Thank you, for illustrating that we don’t have to be all things to all people, or in your own way of saying it, “for keeping your hustle holy.”
Masha says
I’m new here, I’ve never heard of this 31 day challenge before, I stumbled into this and i don’t really know what to expect from this challenge, but I believe that God puts you where you need to be at the perfect divine timing and so I’m here and looking forward to an amazing month of writing. Blessings.