Have you ever set a goal for yourself and thought, “When that happens, all these other doors will open and it will be amazing!” Maybe it’s because we watch other people achieve similar dreams and then watch what they get to do. As much as I love the internet, I’m learning how carefully I need to guard my heart when I scroll through updates. In “Holy Hustle” I had a pretty easy time busting the myth of the overnight success, because it’s not too hard to figure out how much hard work, years of practice, and occasionally random popularity go into the end result we see from celebrities.
But after “Holy Hustle” came out, I was surprised to find out that there was another myth I’d fallen for. The myth of making it.
Not the tv show that I just adore. That I love and need more of immediately. Please and thank you.
I had spent so much time around other authors and in launch teams that I assumed a few things would happen for me, too. I thought that I would have an easy time putting a launch team together, because surely those other author’s I’d supported in the past would help me with mine. I’d received so many books from other authors with requests to review or share online (and for the most part, I did) that I assumed the big list of “influencers” who would receive copies of “Holy Hustle” would share about it. I watched as authors were invited to big book events, interviewed on tv, and sent on book tours and assumed that maybe I would be, too. I thought once I’d received the “yes” to share “Holy Hustle” with the world that I would stop hearing “no.”
None of those things have happened.
Because you know me to share pretty authentically here, I’m going to tell you that I have had to rely on God so much to enter into this next season with grace instead of grumbling. It’s taken a lot to get my mind to focus on the incredible things God is doing – things that are so special and unique to the story He is writing for me – instead of the gaps my assumptions have left.
Maybe what happened after my book came out wasn’t what I expected, but it has been more than I ever imagined. I certainly haven’t “made it.” But if I had? If I’d been able to do all those things I thought would happen, I probably wouldn’t have time to do what God is asking me to do. He’s called me here to serve locally, to love my family the best way I know how, and to encourage women who are going on their own “Holy Hustle” journey. God is giving me the chance to pop into book clubs around the country on video chats to say “thank you.” I’m thrilled about the doors God IS opening because I get to make Him famous – and that’s the whole point of the book, right?
Today, let’s celebrate the unique way God is using our work, our rest, and what comes next after we achieve those God-sized dreams.
- What assumptions have you made about “making it” by following people online who have achieved similar dreams?
- When things don’t go as planned, how do you focus on the good instead of the gaps?
Some of the fun doors God is opening this month?
- Partnering with my friend Naomi to share about the wonderful work of Sseko (you can shop the party until the 12th!)
- Joining the wonderful ladies at Newville First Church of God for a book party on Sunday (learn more here!)
- Speaking to the women of The Connection on the 15th (learn more & RSVP here if you can make it!)
I too feel moved by your vulnerability and transparency. Moved enough to leave my first ever blog reply. I’m reading your plan on you version. Working for God. All that counts. That’s what I’m taking into school today as a teacher.
I know, Crystal, right!! In the back of my mind I know that all things are in God’s timing, not our own. Staying in that that mindset is often my challenge. As you said, it’s about entering into the next season with (and through) grace and not grumbling!! Thanks for that reminder Crystal! Love ya! 🙂
Crystal, your book has been a blessing to many of us because we’ve been right there where you have traveled. Thanks for writing it and thanks for continuing to write in a real way. I am getting some balance in my life slowly but surely. And that is God’s plan. That’s what counts!
Argh. Your story breaks my heart. But, I have surely been there…most of my life. Not as an author, but as a human who gives and gives and I wonder when someone will give back. I know Jesus tells us to give without expecting anything in return . So I keep giving. But sometimes I just get tired. Peace to you. God knows.
Crystal – thank you for being so transparent. I’m not a writer but have recently started by own business as a Virtual Assistant and can relate to your story. Thanks for the sweet reminder of our great God and the encouragement.
Crystal, one of the things we can count on is your authenticity. Do you remember forever-ago when I recommended you to a certain magazine editor/publisher? I oft wonder what happened there. I have self-published 14 books, all at the insistence of our Father. Make it? No, I haven’t in the terms of the world but there are a handful of women out there whose lives were impacted by my words and now they are making their own little imprint for the Kingdom. I would call THAT “making it.” Amen? xoxoxo
Crystal, this is the best encouragement I’ve seen since I have been writing! Thank you for being real and authentic!
Thanks for this encouragement, it was just what I needed to be reminded of today! Life/ministry is about making God famous, not me ????