I put together my editorial calendar today with the guest posts and commitments I have come up this year and got a little overwhelmed. Some weeks I can bust out some blog posts as naturally as breathing, and then other weeks … well … other weeks I see so many deadlines I end up paralyzed instead of productive.
The only thing that gets me out of that bit of writing slump is just jumping in with something. Anything. It doesn’t even need to be good, but it has to be words typed and published and shared and then my brain remembers that it knows how to do this and I can move on. So welcome to the “something. anything.” version of my blog today.
I don’t normally do a round up post of awesome things I’ve found on the web. Mostly because there are a lot of other writers who do it and only so much internet awesome to go around. But also because I don’t give myself much time to have fun on the web anymore. With a job that keeps me online all day, heading to Etsy or YouTube or Pinterest to look for random fun stuff doesn’t usually rank high on my priority list.
But I do have some stuff to share today!
1. Declare Conference – if you follow me on Twitter you might have picked up on the fact that I love me some Declare Conference. The event planners are the best, the speakers are down to earth and incredibly approachable, and it’s just flat out a good time to learn some new tips & tricks about this craft that we love – and how to do it with God as the focus. This year I’m more excited than you could possibly know to not only be one of the Declare blog contributors, but also a lab & session speaker! Woot! You can see the rest of the speaker line up here.
2. Podcasts – I’ve decided that podcasts are my favorite. I have no desire to start one of my own, but with incredibly talented friends like Kat Lee, I get to share all my thoughts & feelings & knowledge about things like taking blogging breaks and conferences – and she does the hard post-production work! Winning! In case you didn’t get enough of me earlier on the HowTheyBlog.com podcast, Kat just published our latest chat here!
3. Emma Approved – Several months ago I got totally hooked on this fun adaptation of Jane Eyre called “The Lizzie Bennett Diaries.” Imagine my delight in finding a new adaption of Emma called “Emma Approved!” I might have binge watched all the episodes. It’s delightful and campy and just too fun.
4. Holy Yoga TV – I have a new God Sized Dream, y’all. In the next 2 years I would love to become a certified Holy Yoga Instructor. I can’t afford it right now but I fully plan to save up – and in the meantime, use this new subscription channel to learn as much as I can! I’ve always loved yoga but not all of the “one with the earth” stuff that went with it – so to find a practice that focuses on keeping Christ at the center, intentionally including Scripture throughout, and begins and ends with prayer? It’s the best! Oh and I love that I can access the videos from anywhere – even when I travel this year – and they have the cutest legwarmers that I might wear way too often around the house 😉
What fun new things have you found on the web this week? I’d love go check them out!
Wow, I just love this post! #1) That’s so exciting that you’re going to be speaking at Declare. Way to go, Crystal! #2) I am so tempted to check this conference out because it looks AMAZING! 3) I started doing yoga about 4 1/2 months ago and now I am incredibly intrigued by the Holy Yoga. I am definitely going to spend some more time on that site. (and you were totally right about the cut leg warmers.)
Crystal, that is amazing that you’re a lab and session speaker at Declare! I love seeing all the doors God’s led you through over the last few years. Amazing!
It’s a crazy God story – and I don’t let myself think about it too much yet because I get a little intimidated when I look at the rest of the speakers 🙂 Trusting God for the right message for the right audience and the courage to get up & do it!
OK. So, I want to be a HY instructor, too. I’ve thought about it for several years…I used to do yoga a lot when I was pregnant w/Asa. Now that my husband owns a CrossFit box, we’d love to have a Yoga class there, too. I was *just* looking at the HY instructional stuff today–but good grief, you have to do a whole week training in AZ!!! I found a local Christian Yoga training and it’s like 12 months of weekend trainings (one weekend per month for a year!). What in the world?! So, lemme know if you’re gonna do it. If you were going to AZ, too I might manage. 😉
Um. Yes, can we please coordinate our calendars & go to the week of training together? I would LOVE that! I don’t think I can afford it this year, but maybe I’ll aim for Nov 2015?
I’m loving the podcast convos you between you and Kat! You both share such good ideas. 🙂
Oh I’m so glad, Melissa! I think we spend as much time chatting before hitting “record” as we do after 🙂