I’m linking up with Kate & the Five Minute Friday gals this week, where we write about the same prompt for 5 minutes straight, no editing or over-thinking. It’s chaotic and fun and the link-up is full of some of the best women on the internet – so if you’re visiting from the link-up, welcome! And if you haven’t already, be sure to visit Kate’s site and read some of the other posts – you’ll be so glad you did 🙂
And before I get started, I’d love to invite you to enter my giveaway of one of the brand new InScribed Studies – I just love these and think you will, too 🙂 Click here to head to the post & scroll to the bottom to enter!
I don’t write with poetic phrases or unique combinations of words that make your ears hum in happiness as you read them. I don’t write long posts full of beautifully described scenes or deep theological debates. I write the way I think, the way I speak. I write short and to the point because in this season of life – chasing toddlers and juggling responsibilities and working from home – I don’t have time to waste words.
While you may never hear a lengthy monologue from me, I do my best to make my words matter. I would rather hear a few inviting, loving words from a friend than the most beautiful speech ever written that never touches my soul. In this season, my heart craves deep connections that fit in a limited amount of time.
I’m so glad you’re here.
Let’s do lunch.
Can we meet for coffee?
What can I do to help you today?
Our words matter. Not the length of them. Not the number of syllables or the amount of time we spend talking. The heart behind our words matters. It’s asking how someone’s day is – then waiting for them to share. It’s about listening and receiving without turning the conversation back to yourself, your experience, how you would fix it or do it or change it or how maybe one day when I’m older/more experienced/wiser I’ll have it figured out, too.
I hear you.
Thank you for sharing you heart.
I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way.
Encouragement happens most authentically when we put aside what we want to say and choose to say what God wants to say. You are loved. You are important. You are worth it.

Yes! Authentic encouragement! Love, Traci http://www.tracimichele.com/2014/10/hope-five-minute-friday/
Hi! Just stopping by from FMF. I really enjoyed your post. It made me stop and think…listening and receiving – so important and so often taken for granted in our busy moments. Thank you for sharing!
You’re so right. Often I get caught up in the perfect turn of a phrase, but really it’s about the heart behind the words. Food for thought here.
“Encouragement happens most authentically when we put aside what we want to say and choose to say what God wants to say.” Yes! Loved hearing what you had to say today.
Love all your words: short, long, written or spoken because I know they come from your heart. Thanks for always speaking the truth to us.
Oh, Crystal…if you only knew how these words punctuate my soul. My heart. Right in the midst of a time when I am considering shutting the windows, drawing the blinds and locking the door on my heart. Since I have been contemplating this, I have read “your words matter” or “you are important” or “you are loved” or some similar phrase. They all make me take a step back.
So, I go back to square one and evaluate exactly WHAT I am supposed to be doing.
Thank you…so very much!
Such a great reminder- short and sweet! Definitely important as you can get swamped so easily in blog posts, phone calls, and emails these days…Happy Friday to you!
Amen! (See? Short and to the point!) <3
Love this! It’s not the length of the words, it’s the message and the heart behind them. Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking message tonight.
Beautiful reminder friend!! Can’t wait to do this together in person next week! Ahhh it is coming so fast!! 🙂
Helpful perspective, Crystal! Definitely going to think about this .. 🙂 Thanks for linking up!!
You had me at the AA Milne quote – love this! We all need friends who are willing to speak simply and authentically into our lives. <3
Quality of content over length of content…always. Because, words matter. Some awesome women have been teaching me that! 😉