Oh friends. Some days are really hard, aren’t they? The ones where you make it through the whole day and no one told you your mascara was smeared under your face, your yoga pants were on backwards, you forgot to pay a bill, your child throws a tantrum in the middle of the store and you forgot the key ingredient to make dinner. All that and worse.
Life is hard. It’s beautiful and challenging and ordinary and just flat out hard some days. The day we recorded this video, I’d had myself a good old pity party cry in my living room because we were on week 2 of sickness in our house and I. WAS. DONE.
But there are things that we can do to prepare ourselves, and our hearts, for those days. Anna and I chat today about some of the tools we keep on hand when those hard days come, and some things we think will encourage you in your tough moments. Be sure to hang out with us today in the comments and help us build a toolbox of encouragement with your favorite scriptures, quotes, and resources! We’d love to hear what you use to get through your hard days.
If today is one of those hard days? Be encouraged. As Anna mentions at the end of the video, God promises new mercies every day. Claim that truth.
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Tips & Tools
{affiliate links included}
- What Your Heart Needs For the Hard Days – Holley Gerth
- (in)courage “The Art of Motherhood” Daybrightner
- Anna’s 31 Days Series
- Anna’s Advent Devotional
“One hard day does not define us.” <– Click to Tweet
“It’s a season. It’s a season. It’s a season.” <– Click to Tweet
“We’re not doomsday preppers. We’re encouragement preppers.” <– Click to Tweet
Stephanie R Lane says
Loved this! Had some quiet to sit down with my coffee and listen to another conversation, and this one was right on time. This has been a hard (though not bad, just challenging) week 🙂 Our whole family has been sick for a week – after our little ones just got over being sick for 2 weeks, so I could relate to your weary cry, Crystal! Thank you again for your transparency, which truly is encouraging!