I have often set New Years resolutions for myself – a list of goals and dreams I’d like to accomplish in the new year, convincing myself that turning a page in the calendar will mean a totally new me, a new attitude, and a new sense of purpose.
It makes sense that I would do this – our culture loves a fresh start, and I love a good “to do” list to check off. But every year I set goals for myself that I can never keep.
- Blog every day
- Lose 20 pounds
- Go to the gym 4 days a week
- Start a daily cleaning schedule
- Send snail-mail letters to a friend once a week
- Write a book
- Do a Bible study every morning
All of those? They’re all wonderful and needed and important to my life. But when I put the pressure on myself to wake up on January 1 and do 100 new things every day – endlessly – with no grace? I froze. I didn’t know where to start, or how to handle failing, so I chose not to do any of it.
Last year I discovered Alece and her incredible OneWord365.com project. Instead of a list of “must-do’s” and “should-do’s,” One Word is about prayerfully considering the one word that will shape your year. The one word God has put on your heart as something to focus on, work on, believe in, strive for. In 2013 I chose “commit.” I thought it would mean that I would simply do what I needed to do for my family, regardless of my passion for the work, to commit to keeping us secure. Instead? God meant that I would commit my heart more completely to Him as all of that security fell away. I would commit to doing whatever I needed to do to bring my heart closer to His, to change mindsets, patterns, self-imposed needs, and commit to His will – no matter how scary.
My plan in 2013? It would have resulted in a miserable year.
God’s plan for my year & my word? It resulted in change unlike anything I could have ever imagined, but blessings upon blessings. Gifts given in unexpected and amazing ways. And grace sweeter than I deserved.
This year, I start the New Year on a new journey. One that has me shaking in my $7 Old Navy flats (they’re super cute..with polka dots). I’ll write more about that tomorrow, but for today? For this year? The word God has on my heart is “capable.”
Capable. What I don’t think I am right now. The word that has haunted me this year, the word God has pressed on to my heart to believe about myself – and about Him. I go into the new year with a God who is more than capable, who will fill in the gaps when I’m not, and who has so faithfully, gently, spoken encouragement into this broken part of my heart.
Do you set New Years resolutions? Are you joining Alece and the OneWord365.com community? I’d love to know what your word will be – and don’t forget to check out the lovely “share” buttons on her site to create your own OneWor365 branded button for your blog!
how is it that I have just found you crystal?? I will be visiting often for sure. my 2014 word is “one.” I, too, have some super exciting and scary opportunities in front of me. scary only because I know I can’t do it alone and need my savior to work through me… so I need only look at one day, one task, one connection, one whispered prayer at a time. this also keeps me from getting too excited and rushing off, only to come running back, crying, all muddy, with an owie on my chin because I didn’t stay close to HIM and follow HIS path for me. HA! (guilty of that one)
Capable is a great word… I can only imagine how God will use that word in your life this year. My word is “follow.” I’m excited, overwhelmed, inspired, and completely nervous about the possibilities, but I’m so glad He chose this word for me.
I have never done the one word thing before so this is my first year!
Here is mine: http://hikingtowardhome.com/2014/01/the-word-for-2014-inspire/
That’s a great word to be reminded of daily! Mine is pursue. I need to pursue God, deeper friendships, my husband, etc. Often things fall into place naturally, but I need to be mindful in pursuing as well.
Ooh that’s a great one!
Love it! Here’s mine: http://www.ginabutz.com/2013/12/30/one-word-2014/
Lovely! It immediately made me think of this print by Be Small Studios – http://www.etsy.com/listing/114062427/abide-8×10-print?ref=shop_home_active
I actually made my own print to hang in my little office so it can be front and center all year. 🙂
I am still thinking of my word. I have a few top ones but I know He will make it clear and I love the idea of the word changing meaning because of what God did in your life. So excited for this next step in your journey! XO
Hmmm….maybe your word for 2014 is “reveal” 😉
I love this! You have a great word. Mine is embrace. I have a lot of change happening and I want to embrace it with grace.
That’s a beautiful word! It’s easy for me to only want to embrace the soft, cuddly, kind parts of life – what a challenging word that would be for me!
I think the words that haunt us or seem so scary are the ones that have so much impact. Way to jump in with a big word that you know is over your head. That way you can be sure that it is God doing the work! 🙂 I chose “intention” and all its variants for my word this year. Pretty funny since I have it in my header now!
Love that!
Very nice, Crystal. Happy Monday!
Here’s mine:
LOVe this!!! Still pondering my OneWord… it can have so many meanings that I am trying to see if there is something more specific… so far, no! Can’t wait to see what your OneWord uncovers!
I love a word that can cover a multitude of possibilities – because I know myself well enough to understand that I have layers..and several areas for improvement 😉 Praying you find a word that sticks!
Love the new word!! I chose Balance! Will be posting about it on the 1st!! 🙂 But finding balance is something that I have needed for some time now and know that God wants for my entire life! 🙂
Oh balance – that’s a good one! Maybe I’ll try that in 2015 😉 I think this will be more of a juggling year!