Time Management Tip: Learn to say “no” to good to leave room for great
Maybe, like me, you find yourself afraid to say “no” to a request, opportunity, or addition to your to-do list because you wonder if this is your ONE chance to do the thing. Maybe, like me, your constant “yes” is driven by fear – afraid you’ll be left out, not included, not considered a valuable contributor to the team. Maybe, like me, you have your worth wrapped up in your “yes” instead of in Jesus.
One of the reasons I wrote “Holy Hustle” was because I knew God was taking me on a journey from striving to serving – and I knew I couldn’t possibly be the only woman who might need the encouragement and challenge it would take to do what God was asking me to do. This life of holy hustle isn’t about saying “no” to everything and living a life of relaxation and laziness. It’s a life fit for a warrior – someone who is armed with Truth and ready to make the hard decisions in their commitment to do the work God has called them to do. It’s for the fighters who know that every “yes” means a “no” to something else and they want to prioritize people over platforms. The commandment God has given us requires action – go, do, make. Embrace the call God has put on your life and edit thoughtfully the things you say “yes” and “no” to so you can have space to hear His next directive. And rest easy, knowing that “no” doesn’t mean never – it just means “not right now.”
Inspiration: “There is no substitute for hard work.” Thomas A. Edison
Resource (affiliate link): The Best Yes – Lysa TerKeurst
It’s been awhile since I read Lysa’s book, but I remember being so inspired by her words, especially the practical ways she goes through the decision-making process and how to embrace small “no’s.” If learning to say “no” to some good things to make room for the great things is something you’ve chosen to embrace, this book will be an encouragement on your journey.