I’ve been fighting a fear lately. One I never saw coming. I’ve been afraid now that God has answered my prayers and I’ve seen my God-sized dream come true…I’m afraid He’s done with me. It’s a lot easier for me to live in the trust and faith of the dream seeking, dream building, dream chasing. It’s more comfortable for me to encourage and cheer for others who are in those stages because that is the part of the journey where I felt so close to God.
It was a season of expectant hope.
Even if I made a wrong turn or said “no” when I should have said “yes” (or said “yes” when I should have said “no”) there was comfort in knowing that God’s plan for this dream of mine was good. It was from Him. And He would see it through, even if it took a little longer or went slightly off course.
But what happens in the “after” of the dream chasing? I’m sharing encouragement and more of what God revealed to me at Declare over at God Sized Dreams today. Will you join me there?