I took some small steps this past week toward my God Sized Dream. The one where I feel God calling me to use words to encourage women – especially mamas.
Can I tell you something?
All of you dreamers, the ones taking the baby steps along side me?
You are incredibly brave. Braver than you even know. Because my baby steps? They were terrifying for this girl who fears rejection. And really, if you’d look at it from the outside you’d probably think…ok…so you sent a couple emails and messages to women you admire and whom you already have met in real life. What in the world is so scary about that?
I think that’s the thing though. Sending my heart across the internet, praying it’s received and not rejected by women whom I esteem greatly in this online world – it would have been easier to reach out to someone who doesn’t know me at all. Then, when it doesn’t work out and the door stays closed, my heart is only slightly bruised instead of crushed.
So here’s the run down, details where I can share, in case you feel inclined to say a prayer for this mama who has too many words to hold inside?
How I’m Pursuing My Dream:
- Assisting with the (in)courager community groups
- Signed up to be an ACE for the Winter 2013 HelloMornings session (sign ups are today!)
- Signed up to host an (in)RL Meet Up & in faith reserved a chapel space in case I have more than 6 women show up this year!
- Sent “the email”
So now I’m praying to be less of me. To stop trying to control it all and just take this baby step holding God’s hand and letting Him open the doors where & when He chooses. We’re taking brave steps this week, friends. Love walking this journey with you!
Linking up today with Holley Gerth (http://holleygerth.com) to share with my other God Sized Dreamers 🙂
What small steps are you taking toward your dreams this week?
InPursuit MyQuest says
I love that your 2013 word is COMMIT. Because my 2013 Challenge {that I write about on my blog} is to {Live Life Fully Committed}… it’s from 2 Chronicles 16:9… This year my focus is to live a 2 Chronicles 16:9 life… it’s a life with a heart fully committed to God. Because “the eyes of the Lord search the entire earth seeking hearts that are fully committed to him that He may strengthen them… (NLT)” We can do this in His strength…feeling braver already 😉
Amy says
So proud of you and cheering for you all the way to the finish line. Crystal! Crystal! Crystal!
Emily says
You know, the more I work toward my own God-Sized dream, the more I find that the Baby Steps are the best kind of steps to take 🙂 Praying for you and Cheering you on as you step toward your goal!
Holley Armstrong Gerth says
Cheering for you, brave friend! You brighten all our lives!
Alia_Joy says
Taking baby steps with you, friend. Thanks for being part of my one small step this week. Looking forward to celebrating what God brings with you.
Anne S. says
Hooray for taking brave steps forward! Love your words and the heart behind them. Thanks for sharing your journey with your fellow dreamers!
Laura Rath says
Sometimes those baby steps are the hardest ones to take! The (in)RL meet-up has been on my mind all week, but it’s so outside of my comfort zone, I haven’t been able to commit. I keep telling myself that I have to say yes to some things and no to others or I’ll be overwhelmed…which is true. But I can’t decide about the (in)RL…