God has blessed me with friends who change the world. The ones who change the world around them by the small but significant act of waking up every morning to feed and clothe and love and teach their children. And the ones who change the world at large through books and art and events and causes.
And in this season where God is telling me to stop thinking about myself and simply love others, I struggle to know what that means. I want to share ALL THE THINGS with you, my sweet friends. Because I might not be able to financially support every cause, but it might be something God has planned for you. I might not be able to read every book, but I want to tell you that the words are good and life changing because I know the hearts behind them. I want to share every beautiful written post that changes my perspective and my faith and my heart and makes me laugh.
But I can’t.
I have a little bit of generosity fatigue right now. And I think maybe some of you might feel a little worn out from hearing about all the awesome. It’s a lot of awesome. I won’t lie – I feel guilty when I think about not sharing, not participating, not joining. Generosity is poured out in more ways than dollars. But the fact that I feel more weary when I think about telling you about another new project is a sign that I need to try something new.
So for now, if you click over to read this on my blog (this is for you, my darling email subscribers), you’ll find some new stuff in my sidebar. Filed simply under “Causes You’ll Love,” “Resources You’ll Love,” “Products You’ll Love,” “Books You’ll Love” – these are the things that have my heart this month. If you feel compelled to click & learn more, shop, etc. it’s up to you. Sure, I’ll break the rules all the time and one day write a third “What I’m Loving” post, but for today? This is working for me.
So what will you find on this page? Here you’ll find a new series I want to try. One that focuses on community. My community. The women that God has brought into my life in this season to encourage, equip and inspire me as I try to pour those same things onto these pages. Each week I’ll introduce you to a friend, because community is about people. Relationships. And I want you to meet a small handful of my favorites, maybe some you’ve never met?
Today I want to introduce you to Erin aka Home With The Boys. Sometimes you meet people on the internet and you think “she seems pretty cool.” And then God gives you the chance to meet them in real life and you are stunned by the connection. That’s how it was when I spent time with Erin this year at Declare. We’d chatted a bit here and there on the interwebs, but I had no idea that I would leave that conference feeling like I’d spent sweet time with a heart friend.
This woman? Y’all, she is as hilarious as she is passionate about serving others. She shares my unashamed love of food {split a pizza? um. no. we’ll have our own.} and made me laugh until my sides ached. Erin is a woman after God’s own heart and shines Him in an overflowing, joy-filled, radiant way. God has given her a heart to serve mama’s of boys {as the co-founder & marketing manager of MOB Society) – something is girl mama can’t relate to but I know this. The work she is doing? It’s going to raise up mighty men for Jesus, one of whom will hopefully capture my girl’s heart one day. Her passion overlaps with the legacy I want my girl to have, and I can’t even begin to be more grateful for her.

Oh and she was enthusiastic to work out with me at 6am and loves her some life & body & soul changing work. Erin is a runner – the kind that goes multiple miles for fun – but she’s also running the race God has asked her to join fearlessly and with grace. And I think you’ll just love her.
You can connect with her here:
MOB Society
Who are you loving online right now? I’d love to “meet” them! Feel free to leave their blog in the comments 🙂
She’s good people. You’re good people. I love all the people. Also, I am gifted with words. Can you tell? This is what happens with sick kids and lack of sleep but just wanted to stop in and say I love your heart and loved talking with you guys at Declare. Okay, no more words for me today.
Thanks for the reminder to us email subscribers to click over to the blog. I needed the gentle nudge! 🙂
I love this concept and how you continue to remind us about the importance of creating community. Locally I am a part of a small group of brand new bloggers and just this last week I presented on how to create community and connect with readers on your blog. I felt inadequate to even talk about it, but it’s such an important part of what we do here online that even baby steps in the right direction are a good thing!
I’m excited to hear about how relationships are built at conferences like Declare too since I’ve been looking forward to meeting you and so many others at Allume in the fall. I know those in-person meetings will be such a blessing and will move the community-building down the field even more than just online relationships could ever do.
I can’t wait to read as you introduce us to more of your friends! And Holly is so sweet and generous to share my blog with you. She and I are already in-person friends. Love, love, love her heart and her message online!
I love the idea of this series. Some of the ladies I am loving online right now and pray I get to one day give them each a big hug is (1) Rebekah Ellis at http://threebeesinabluebonnet.blogspot.com (2) Karrilee Aggett at http://abidingloveaboundinggrace.blogspot.com and (3) Mel Schroeder at http://barefootmel.com/
This is such a great idea!
All I know is that I finally found “my people” at Declare and I want to stay in touch with them and create community with other bloggers/writers! I missed your session on how to create online community and I’m working hard at doing so.
Thanks for your generosity!
This new series perfectly fits your personality, Crystal! I respect and understand your “generosity fatigue” because I’ve felt it myself. There is so much good stuff out there that if we were to share/read it all we’d never get anything else done! How am I supposed to choose??? Anyway, it’s just like you to use your space to talk about someone else. Your Christ-like-ness shines through in your humility, friend. I LOVE your heart for community! 🙂
Thank you for giving yourself and US the freedom to listen to the voice of exhaustion and to go in a different direction for a bit. Love that about you.
And yes! I just met Erin at Declare too– so fun!
Love this series, Crystal!! I love Joanne Viola at http://www.daysnthoughts.com and LeeAnn Taylor at http://www.leeanngtaylor.com.
What a great idea Crystal! It so resonates with who you are — both giving us the sidebar information and featuring one of your community peeps. Love seeing you move in grace and respond to the Lord’s new direction for you!