It’s been a crazy fun week around here. Creative Basics launched, so I’ve been hanging out with some awesomely creative new friends on Facebook & Instagram. My team announced our new name and had a logo created and I found a great gift idea for Mother’s Day that even my husband agreed was pretty awesome. Tomorrow we’ll head to Lowes for a “build & grow” activity in the morning and then to Harrisburg for the Lego KidsFest. And then Sunday I’ll be hiding under the blankets with coffee in full-on introvert mode!
On to the favorites (affiliate links included)!
New shirt designs are available over in my Teespring store! Once a month I design and sell apparel over there, and then once the month is over I’ll keep the “best seller” and take the other one down. So if you like either of these you should probably head over & grab one soon!
How cute are these Disney socks from Macy’s? We’re planning our Disney trip for November this year and, while I’m not really the kind of mama to rock a full-on costume each day, I would totally pack these!
You might have noticed that Villanova was kind of a big deal this week when they won the NCAA National Championship. And for this Villanova grad (’05 and ’06 baby!) I had to commemorate the event somehow. Clearly a cute shirt (and uh..maybe a hat) sounded like the best plan. I’m sad to miss the parade today but could not be more proud to be a Wildcat – and that buzzer beater will go down in history as possibly the most amazing NCAA game EVER. Let’s not wait another 31 years, ok boys? xoxo
Have you seen the trailer for The BFG yet? Oh man – I remember reading this book when I was little and this movie looks so stunning – with a side of absolutely terrifying for children. But then again I felt that way about Matilda, too. Pretty sure we won’t be taking Madi to see this one quite yet, but if you have older kids this could be really good.
I have quite a few of these Funko POP figures on my Amazon wishlist because a) I’m a nerd and b) they’re awesome. And after this week’s episode of The Arrow, I DEFINITELY need this one. And that’s all I’m going to say about that because #spoilersdarling. Slightly related: if you haven’t yet watched the Super Girl/Flash crossover episode you are missing out on one of the most delightful moments of television I’ve ever seen.
Madi has discovered a love for “sports” lately – the specific ones change daily, but she did spend quite a bit of time watching the highlights from the Villanova win on Matt’s phone the other night. Sometimes it’s soccer in the backyard or baseball with daddy (the girl can HIT), but she keeps asking for a basketball hoop like the one our friends have at their house so she can practice. I love this one from Amazon – might be a fun addition to her playroom downstairs!
So there you have it. The favorites for the week. Oh! I did realize today that Facebook FINALLY rolled out live video functionality for pages so if you haven’t come over & “liked” my new page, I’d love for you to do that. And let me know what you’d like me to chat about over there – hoping it’s a lot less spammy than Periscope!
Our older son has that basketball hoop – we found it at Costco for him for Christmas a couple of years ago. Best purchase for him ever. He can use it in his room or downstairs when I’m getting tired of hearing the banging on his bedroom door!