I’ve been stretched recently, challenged to move outside of what’s comfortable and easy and reach for what I can only describe as “more.” It’s as though I’ve asked God to expand my territory and He’s preparing me for it. And I have.
There was a season of rest and quiet the last few months, a settling in to the answered prayer that has changed our lives in amazing ways. A job that always seemed out of reach. And now there is a passion stirring up inside of me for whatever it is that God has next. I don’t know what it is, but He’s asking me to train for it.
So I wake up each morning and sweat and work on my flexibility and God asks me to focus on the worship, not the weight loss. He reminds me to seek the Son as I spend time with Him outside on my yoga mat, seeking the sun on those cool summer mornings. When I feel like giving up, God reminds me that each day I do a little more, reach a little further, push a little more gets me closer to His plan. It’s not about perfection. It’s about willingness.
I’m willing, Lord.
And He’s taking time to train my heart, asking me to reach into pieces hidden and still hardened that I haven’t given over to Him yet. There’s a constant refining happening and it’s beautifully uncomfortable. Through it all God is showing me that He answers prayers – reminders of prayers answered for me and my family and celebrations of prayers answered for friends. He’s building a storehouse of sweet treasures in my heart as He works through each hard moment.
I’m reaching for whatever the “more” God has for me is, praying away the temptation in this unknown season to name it, assign a goal to it, or even hold on to it too tightly. It’s all within His reach – I’ll just wait as patiently as I can with hands outstretched, ready when He is.
Love this “ready when He is”. What a wonderful post about reaching and being ready!
Oh how I love your words, ‘it’s not about perfection, it’s about willingness.” Thanks for the sweet reminder! I’m jumping back onto the FMF bandwagon this week. I have missed the beautiful thoughts and writings of my FMF sisters. Yours is one that always speaks to me heart. 🙂
These were amazing words today, Crystal. You were writing straight from the heart.
I loved this so much:
“And He’s taking time to train my heart, asking me to reach into pieces hidden and still hardened that I haven’t given over to Him yet. There’s a constant refining happening and it’s beautifully uncomfortable.”
…beautifully uncomfortable. I love this description. How I’ve searched for a way to describe the shaping I’ve been going through over the last year. You’ve said it perfectly.
Truly loved this today. And I will be praying for your “training…”
OH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT!!! The Lord has been speaking this same message to me. The other day, attempting to write a blog I literally fell over my laptop and balled like a baby out of anxiety of perfection. He told me to just stop trying so hard to ‘get it’. Thank you for sharing your heart!
I’ve been trying to see my daily exercise as worship – to be thankful that I have a working body, and to care for my body the way God cares for my heart. I spent a lot of years caring about certain parts of me and ignoring others. God knows me entirely and loves me – and I want to follow his lead and do the same for myself. It’s a beautiful, messy process.
You are an inspiration to me! You have helped me rest in my own journey of wild obedience and seeing that the small things are just as meaningful as the big.
Hi, friend…I just wanted to stop by and send a hug. I love this and your heart…God is using you, and I just want you to know that. (And can I just say that it was AWE. SOME. to be watching #MyBigFamilyReno last night and see your name pop up on the screen…so cool!) Have a great weekend. 🙂
Bahaha…apparently I just tweet a lot. And someone at HGTV likes me 😉 Love you girl, thanks for that hug – I needed it today!
AMEN! Willingness is the key!
So glad you stopped by today, Eileen! Happy Friday 🙂
I so love that it’s not about perfection but about willingness. That’s precisely what He has been teaching me along my weight loss journey as He honors the process. Great encouragement today, friend!!
Thanks so much, Holly! Grateful to be on this journey with wonderful women like you – where we set our eyes is where we set our minds – so I’m choosing to look to the Father and not the scale and trust Him with the process 🙂 {but it’s SO hard. and all I want right now is a huge chocolate bar. amen.}
Oh the amazing things that God can do with a willing heart! Thanks for this reminder, Crystal. He can take us above & beyond our wildest dreams if we’re willing to let Him lead.
Above and beyond – amen, Sabrina! Thank you for that encouragement – just what I needed today!
I love this! It is hard to reach out for “more” when you have no idea what it will look like, but we know it comes from the giver of all good gifts. Thank you for blessing my heart tonight.
Thanks so much friend – I appreciate your words today and the encouragement.
I almost wrote on perfection but then thought I’d probably be tempted to write perfect piece. 🙂 So I moved on. LOL. You are right…willingness is the key but the one calling is perfect so you don’t have to be.
meant to say…because the one calling you is perfect so you don’t have to be. 🙂
Love it 🙂 And since the perfection piece snuck in there unexpectedly, I didn’t have time to over-think it..the beauty of five minute Friday!
Just love your heart here .. Inspired by your humble obedience, and completely drawn in by your words .. Thank you, sister, for sharing tonight! Have a blessed weekend, friend.
Thank YOU for this prompt that stirred something in my heart I didn’t know I needed to share 🙂