Time Management Tip: Be the boss of your time
I have always loved paper planners, but trying to juggle my schedule, my daughter’s schedule, and my husband’s schedule became overly complicated. I’m great at making sure appointments are entered onto our shared Google calendar for the two of them – soccer practices, games, doctors appointments, activities – they’re all on there. I know when the big things are, like gathering with our small group at church, or traveling. But my day-to-day work is far less organized. I’ve started to let my time boss me around, instead of being the boss of my time. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to fit in time to write, or create, or finish that project, or read a book – why not schedule some time on your calendar, and then keep that date with yourself? Whether you’re making time to work hard or rest well, it’s okay to make it a priority and not an afterthought.
Inspiration: “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17
Resource: The Productivitist Podcast
I’ll be honest, I’ve never listened to this podcast, so take this recommendation with a grain of salt. But his interview with Jon Acuff looks like a great one, and I do love podcasts and find them to be excellent ways to learn more about a topic in those in-between moments. I don’t listen when I’m trying to work, but I will listen when I’m doing laundry, driving somewhere, grocery shopping, or waiting for an appointment.
Whether you’re making time to work hard or rest well, it’s okay to make it a priority and not an afterthought. – Loving this thought!
Good stuff friend!