All it takes to lead is for people to see you following Christ – {Beth Moore}
I look at the women leading ahead of me – the ones who have spent countless years in ministry – learning, teaching, growing, working hard to share the Gospel and lead because they love Jesus. And my heart knows that in some unique-to-me way, God has called me to that space – a woman leading women, and I look around and wonder who God is lining up? Who else in my generation has the call on their heart to serve in wild obedience?
I’m worried. Not because there aren’t amazing women God is using and will use. It’s just…I wonder if any of us will be able to stand up and do the thing God is calling us to do if we continue to live and try to thrive in a culture of comparison. When I look at the women I admire, the ones I want to learn from, I wonder what their ministries would have looked like if social media had played such a large role for them? If – during the most developmental parts of their ministries, they had access to everyone – their thoughts, words, opinions, success stories, and platform building checklists? I’m learning that the women I learn most from took (and still take) defeat or failure or insecurity and turn into Jesus, to take it as a time of reflection and refinement and a personal moment with their Savior.
And I do a little self-analysis and realize that my response is to use it as reason to stop, to doubt, to question, to assume that it means God has someone better or more qualified in mind.
But I don’t ask Him.
So I’m choosing to wake up today, tomorrow, the next day and chase my calling, knowing deep in my heart that “If God has assigned you, God will find you” {Christine Caine}.
I will be a woman who lives Colassians 3:15-17 (MSG): Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
I will be a woman who is in the Word and no longer compares my words to hers.
I will stand firm in knowing who I am and whose I am.
I will look at women who have achieved my goals as mentors, not competitors.
I will seek out the women who God is calling as the next generation of women leading women and learn from them.
I will believe that the God who created the universe has a unique calling & purpose for me, just as He assigned skills and talents to the Israelites in Exodus 35-36 and equipped them to do the work until it was more then enough.
I will run hard, pray harder, and ask God for wisdom.
I will take the disappointments, discouragement, and moments that just don’t go my way and I’ll ask God to use them to refine me – before I post anything about them online.
I will view my weaknesses as spaces where God’s glory can shine brighter – not excuses to give up.
I will work daily to put myself aside so that God’s message can come through – and will trust Him whether it’s shared with 1 or 1,000.
What will you do differently today?
Crystal, I wish there were a “LOVE” button to hit here which shows you how sucked in to that social media vortex I myself have become. Thank you for speaking these thoughts, for this wisdom, for this spirit of daughter-of-the-most-high-king grace and soul-beauty-building sisterhood. YES!
Brilliant. Thank you for putting it into words here, for us. This is the line I need today: “I will view my weaknesses as spaces where God’s glory can shine brighter – not excuses to give up.” YES.
This has been a year of incredible growth for me. It wasn’t easy. I shed a lot of tears and couldn’t understand why God was taking me out of every comfort zone I’d ever known. But having come through it – as I turn around and glance at what is behind me – I can see that it was partly due to my nature to compare that kept me in my place for so long. Afraid to step out in faith and try new things because I might fall short of where I “thought” I should land. For the first time in my life I feel my insecurities being laid down – one at a time. I still struggle. I have bad days. But overall I can glance at that lesson behind me and know that, without it, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Reading these blogs, writing my story a little every week, embracing these relationships and learning that I am becoming part of a community of women that I don’t need to compare myself to, but to embrace in fellowship is truly an amazing thing. At the end of the day it’s not about me, but about Him. And I know that the calling He has for me is a special thing that I don’t need to hold up to the light and examine next to my friend’s calling. Or her friend’s calling. It’s unique. It’s just for me. And I know through Him I will be capable of completing that task.
Thank you for such an inspiring post, Crystal. I will keep this one really close…
Oh, this is fantastic! I know you are doing Children of the Day, so I know you will understand when I say this: Sister loved by God, YOU are called. Thanks for being an example – for many and for me.
great insight – since most women spend a lot of their lives comparing and coming up short instead of standing firm and confident in Him.
So good, Crystal. I will make that declaration for myself, too.
Awesome! I just love this, Crystal 🙂
Wow! I love this! I fully agree-social media makes it so easy to compare, yet that is not what God has called us to do! I stand along side you, as we answer the calling God’s placed on our hearts, not the social media buzz that says we belong or not! Blessings to you, friend! ♥
I am so blessed to be a runner in this beautiful race if you and so many others that uplift and inspire me to continue on. Thank you fo all you do.
Running hard and praying harder alongside you, friend. Xo
Love running this race with you 🙂 {{hug}}
I love learning from you both! Thanks for being a godly example, Crystal. There truly is SUCH confidence when we live out the reality of the Gospel. Needed this reminder today.