You’re two months old this week. Time has flown by and you’ve already experienced your first Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, 5K charity walk, and many many episodes of The Big Bang Theory.
You are such a morning person, it just kills me. I have no idea whom you inherited that from! I love walking in to your nursery in the mornings to those bright eyes and a big gummy smile.
It’s so easy to make you smile – all you need is someone to poke your nose, tickle your feet, or sing to you and you are the happiest baby in the world. You’ve recently been making little giggle sounds, which make your daddy so happy. He would do anything – no matter how goofy – to make you smile at him.
I go back to work this week. I’m sad that I will miss 9 hours of your life every day. I pray that you never think that I chose to go back to work because I didn’t want to be around you, or that I wanted anyone else to raise you. It breaks my heart to think that so many of your next milestones will be captured by someone else for the first time. But I promise you I will be a better mom because of this, and you will always be my priority. I can’t wait to watch you learn to interact with and trust other adults, and learn from the kids who will be in your daycare. Weekends will be precious to me.
Now if you could just grow up a little slower, while learning to sleep through the night, your mommy would be ever grateful.
Such a beautiful post, and a beautiful family! <3