Catchy title, eh? Trust me. SEO is NOT my thing. Let me lay a couple things out for you right now, just in case you don’t know me that well and are wondering where my perspective comes from:
1. I work full-time in marketing
2. I also have a small part-time project/job that I adore
3. I have a husband and a toddler
4. I am part of the planning team for a new upcoming motherhood conference
5. I host a weekly Google Hangout book study for some of my close friends
6. I am passionate about blogging/writing
7. I love social media
8. Did I mention that I have a toddler?
9. God has given me a God Sized Dream
10. I like a grande extra hot skinny caramel macchiato at Starbucks…or the new hazelnut one..though I haven’t tried it, I’m “pretty” sure I’d love it…
I don’t have hundreds or thousands of followers. Confession? I don’t even have 100 followers! I haven’t even written 500 posts since I started in 2009. I write because I love it and because God keeps giving me words to share. I don’t track my stats, desire to make money on my blog, or do anything else that takes time away from that list I shared above.
Find Community Online
This one has been the number one way that I’ve taken my blog from being read by my mom and sister to being read by people who don’t really know me in real life. When you connect with online communities on Facebook and Twitter (like #FMFParty, #HelloMornings, #incouragers and #Allume), you suddenly have friends willing to share your posts with their friends, which means more people reading what you write! And…ahem…you should probably be willing to share their posts and leave them comments as well. It’s just nice online community manners.
Guest Post!
Now that you’ve found your communities, write a guest post! It will introduce your writing to a new audience and, you never know, one day you might be asked to be a contributing blogger. That’s how I ended up at Allume and why I adore (in)courage so much (they took a chance on a NEW blogger with no readership and published a post I sent them).
Use Apps to Save Time
I don’t have the time or luxury to sit at my computer all day and manually share links to my posts on Twitter and Facebook. I wish I could. If you can find me a job where I can be paid to do that, please let me know. So, because I like being gainfully employed and spending time with my family, I use apps to help me share my writing.
My favorite? Hootsuite. I can schedule posts on a variety of Twitter and Facebook pages as far in advance as I’d like, all in one spot. I can schedule links to blog posts, comments on Facebook pages, and track all of my interactions on a variety of pages, all in one spot.
i know it would make my life easier, but I just don’t have the time to sit down and figure it all out. maybe one day someone will take pity on me & help, but for now…it’s a combo of networked blogs & hootsuite!
thanks karrilee!
love having you visit Jennifer 🙂
this made me laugh out loud when I read it…now YOU are a true friend, reminding me about Duck Dynasty. how did that not make my list?!
Amen! and I don’t even have a full-time job outside the house. I love your passion and how you put it in to practice. Keep dreaming!! (see I commented from my computer so the SEO monster couldn’t eat it.) Since you’ve got so much going on I’ll just remind you it is Duck Dynasty night. That’s just me looking out for a pal in this crazy online world we live in. 🙂
I love this and laughed about the proof reading yikes I am so guilty of and I feel the same way I write because I love too. Always blessed when I come visit you at “home”. BTW love the new look.
I love this… you got me via Twitter with this: “Devotionals, newsletters, email lists, link ups, actually proof-reading my posts” LOL! I am in a different season – my ‘toddler’ is graduating high school and I do not work a full time job and still – I get overwhelmed by all of the things I ‘should’ be doing to answer this call to write. You girls amaze me with your littles around and still you are consistently sharing and pouring out! This is a very helpful and practical list/reminder! And finally – after HOW many people have mentioned it – I just may go visit Hootsuite!
I hear you! I usually use tweetdeck to schedule, but it’s getting harder and bulkier now. I have connected my twitter to facebook, and when I hit publish on my blog it sends a tweet. That’s about all the multi tasking I can do! LOL!