I’ve been trying to come up with some themes for my blog, to help me focus on what to write about each week. The debate:
* Do I try to write a post Monday – Friday?
* If I plan themes for each day, will I get bored?
* What if God has other plans for my blog that day?
* Will writing a post in advance make me over-edit and take away some of the authenticity of my ramblings?
I still haven’t decided exactly what to do, but Monday seems like a good time to do a weekend recap, and since I’m feeling less than inspired to do anything else today, here it is!
It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten excited about Halloween. Trick or Treat at our house is a non-event. We don’t have kids, our neighbors don’t really have kids, and our street isn’t in a development, so it’s not the safest to walk along for other kids. Throw in the fact that we weren’t even at home during Trick or Treat this year, it’s safe to assume it’s not really “our thing.” Maybe one day, when we have kids, we’ll get back into it & drive our kids to a well lit development and let them go knock on strangers doors for candy 🙂
So even though it was Halloween weekend, Matt & I were focused on more important holidays- Thanksgiving and Christmas! We’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, so a pre-planning trip to Wegman’s, a decoration scouting trip to Bed Bath and Beyond, and some Thanksgiving-eve dinner discussion took up most of our day on Saturday. There is just something about the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas that excites me every year 🙂 Yes. I’m a dork.
On a random non-weekend note, today has been a lot of fun, for a Monday! I won a gift certificate to a local restaurant (out of the blue), found out that next year’s Relevant Conference will probably be in PA again, and remembered that we were given tickets to see Amy Grant in concert on Thursday! So excited. God is good and continues to bless us with amazing friends and family, and what an honor that Matt & I can enjoy a free dinner and a concert that we normally wouldn’t be able to afford. Yay God!