The Word was first,
the Word present to God,
God present to the Word.
The Word was God,
in readiness for God from day one.
John 1:1, The Message
Our words are important. Words caused the world to form, life to begin, and The Word, the best and most perfect of all words was there to see it all. Spoken with purpose and truth the first words created and formed and designed life. Beautiful life.
Our words hurt. Rich with anger, jealousy and frustration, words tear down more quickly than they create. Lies and rumors spread, break hearts, open old wounds. Insecurities grow, words held internal sink in and make a new home. Screaming “I’m not worth it.” “I’m not good enough.” “It was my fault.” Spoken without care or concern, hurtful words go to the heart like an arrow, erasing the truth of beauty spoken into us at our beginning by The Word. Little words, easy to speak, powerfully painful.
Our words heal. It takes seven positive comments to replace a negative comment. Words spoken in love, encouragement, and kindness soften hearts. Intentional words take time. Time to craft and share with hearts open to the beauty in others. Kindness takes courage, a purposeful reaching out to another with words that will exchange sad hearts for joy. And hope. Speak soft words of grace today. Take the hard road.
Linked to “Heart to Heart with Holley”
Such power our words hold…
Thanks for sharing today!
Such a great reminder to speak soft words!
Yes and Amen!
Such power our words hold…
Thanks for sharing today!