Dear friends,
This is for you. For the mamas who are weary. For the ones who wonder if anyone sees the hard, brave, heart-work that you do, day-in and day-out. For the moms who inspire without realizing it. For the ones who tell the rest of “you can do this.”
We want to celebrate you today. This week leading up to Mother’s Day is for you. During those hard early days when you wonder if sleep will ever come again, there is hope. On those impossible toddler days when you wonder what kind of chaotic being just inhabited your sweet child, there is joy. On the days when you would rather just crawl under the covers and let someone else take care of it all, we’ve got your back.
You are doing a great job, mama. Forget about doing it perfectly, or being “that” mother or doing everything “those” books said. Take a deep breath and just enjoy the truth that God created you to be you. Just you. And He chose you to be exactly the type of mama you are, for exactly the child He gave you.
Can we celebrate you today? Can we cheer for you, hug you tight and bring you Starbucks and a cakepop? Kick off your shoes, ignore the piles of laundry, sink back into the sofa and let us honor you. You, mama, the one who picks up, cleans up, wipes up. The one who feeds, bathes, plays, tickles, chases, corrects. The one who snuggles, comforts, interprets, nurtures. You are an amazing mom.
Today, would you enter to win a free ticket to the Raising Generations Today Conference? A conference just for moms, with messages of Hope and a time to connect away from the screen. Real life relationships and encouragement with other moms who “get” you. And if there is another mama in your life you think would love this, would you share this giveaway with her, too?
You are loved. We are your biggest cheerleaders. You are amazing 🙂
Raising Generations Today is an annual conference designed to equip and inspire moms to reach the hearts of their children for the glory of God. Through providing valuable resources, inspirational speakers, practical teaching materials, and the connection of moms in every season of parenting, Raising Generations Today will offer hope to women so that they may embrace and thrive in their roles as moms.
Winner will be chosen at random by the Rafflecopter Widget and will be announced on the Raising Generations Today blog on Monday, May 13th.
Stacey Thacker says
I think we need a pep talk every Monday morning, don’t you?
Looking forward to all that God has planned for RGT, now and in the days ahead!