Time Management Tip: Take purposeful breaks
I was helping my mom make bath fizzies for an upcoming craft show the other day. We met at 9am, had coffee, I rescued a kitten from under a kitchen cabinet, and we got to work. The next thing we knew it was 1pm and that coffee was the only thing we’d had since we got started. On one hand, we were really productive and made dozens of bath fizzies, on the other hand we were losing steam fast and realized that it was harder to stay motivated to keep working without breaks.
As a creative person, I find myself often wondering why I feel stuck with my projects. My writing feels uninspired, my brain feels fuzzy, and I stare blankly at my computer. Sometimes what we need more than more work is a break. A walk outside or even 15 minutes to stretch and regroup will help throughout your day – but if you feel REALLY stuck? Find a new place to work, just for one day. Your local coffee shop might provide just the right background noise and energy to get your project going, or a trip to a local park might inspire you creatively in ways you can’t experience in your work space. Visit a museum, listen to music you love, talk with a friend, or just enjoy a meal that isn’t rushed or eaten by your computer. Take purposeful breaks so you can continue to work with purpose.
Inspiration: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
Resource: The Tim Ferris Show
I’ve recently added this podcast to my list. The blurb on iTunes says this: “In this show, Tim deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.” He also asks each guest about their morning rituals and habits for productivity, so if you’ve been enjoying this series and want to continue to learn from others, you might enjoy this podcast a lot!