Happy Mother’s Day! At church this morning our pastor reminded us that, while not all of us will be biological mamas, we can all be spiritual mothers who speak life into others through our words, encouragement, and love. I know so many women in my life, including my own mom, who have done that for me, who have helped me develop my passions, guided me through challenging seasons, prayed for me, and supported my family – and I’m so grateful for all of them.
I thought I’d share some of my favorite blog posts (and even a podcast) you might enjoy today, regardless of the specific way God has called you to be a mom:
“I was weary, but my load was lightened greatly when neighbors, friends and our church family pitched in to help.” – Tricia Goyer
Lauren Casper joins Jamie Ivey to talk about motherhood, adoption, autism, and what she’s learned from her 5-year-old. – The Happy Hour Podcast
“Mothering is about a million tiny little conversations we have day in and day out. When you add them all up together they shout love but in the process wear us flat out.” – Stacey Thacker
“Sometimes I wonder if our kids will grow up better if we’d grow down a little, remember what it is to be a child – not deep down, but right out on the surface.” – Amber Haines
“Despite the lack of sleep and the dirty dishes and the piles of laundry, how can I show my daughter that she is loved, wanted, and cherished?” – Crystal Stine
“I didn’t get into foster care to be martyred or praised, and I don’t want the focus to be lost. It’s not the number of days we loved him or the days we thought he might go. It is the eternity I thought I had to earn. And it is about the boy who taught me about fearless and perfected love.” – Jami Amerine
Whatever today looks like for you, I hope it’s a wonderful one – because you are wonderful.
adaughtersgiftoflove says
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.