The (in)courager community groups launch today for our fall session. These brave women, nearly 140 of them stepping out in faith to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we swing wide open the door to invite our sisters to join.
Right here, beside us. We invite you to step out of the blog comments today and join us on the bench we’re so humbled to offer over at (in)courage. These small groups that meet on Facebook? They’re for you.
– The extrovert who loves community and can’t wait to join and cheer for her sisters
– The shy one who feels like she can be herself a little easier from behind a screen
– The one who builds community for a living and needs a moment to slow down and be filled
– The sister who has been hurt by community and isn’t sure she’s meant to join this one
– The shy one who feels like she can be herself a little easier from behind a screen
– The one who builds community for a living and needs a moment to slow down and be filled
– The sister who has been hurt by community and isn’t sure she’s meant to join this one
Can I confess something? This list? If you mush them all together, you get a pretty good picture of who I am, right now, in this season. Cheerleader, introvert, community builder, hurting-heart. Over and over again God calls me to community, and now? I can’t begin to tell you how much of my heart has been given to these groups. Not only in hours spent over spreadsheets, coordinating leaders, groups, topics, needs, emails, and Google chats. But on my knees, just flat down on my face in prayer seeking God’s vision for these groups and for my role in all of it.
God has drawn me back into community because of these beautifully, welcoming (in)courager community groups, and He has faithfully taught me to be a better friend as the enemy has nearly convinced me to leave it all behind. God has filled those broken heart-holes with incredible friendships. A behind the scenes team that works miracles. A mentor who has changed my life and breathed healing hope into my life. A relationship with a company that is so generous it brings tears to my eyes.
Today, would you join me? Grab a seat, take a deep, brave breath and join us? We’re not experts or pretending we’ve got it all together. We’re showing up, just as we are, and praying that where God has us might be a blessing to someone else who is walking that same path. We’re like-hearted sisters, excited to meet you.
Find out more about the (in)courager community groups and how you can join one here!