While I’ve done a few (in)spired deals reviews before, I have to say that the timing of this particular set could not have been more perfect. I received the gorgeous (in)courage 365 DayBrightener and (in)RL DVD & Study Booklet Set, right as we kicked off our (in)courage community group for new & expectant moms.
Let me tell you something. When those girls at (in)courage have a dream, they find a way to make it happen. April’s in(RL) conference was the first time I really saw how incredibly dedicated they are to this community, and then to be given the opportunity to encourage others myself? It was simply too much goodness.
Of course the products are beautiful. What does Dayspring possibly sell that you don’t just love to pieces? But here’s how I’ve been using them – the calendar is the perfect way to share encouragement with our moms & mamas-to-be. A little quote here, a Bible verse there, a story from a beloved blogger – it’s simply a no-brainer to use the quote of the day on our Facebook page to let the ladies know we’re praying for them. Each day is a simple reminder for me to think outside myself, to focus on community, and to pray blessings over the incredible women God has brought into my life through the wonders of social media.

And the DVD & Study Booklet set? While I would just love to keep them for myself, somehow I have a funny feeling that one of the lovely ladies in our groups is going to end up with these 🙂 I was honored to open my home & host the (in)RL conference in April, so I don’t need to keep it…though I could honestly watch it again and again, with tissues & chocolate in hand, to soak up the wisdom & grace the (in)courage ladies impart during the sessions. Honestly though, one of the joys of receiving (in)courage & Dayspring product to review is the blessing they give me, and the blessing I get to pass on to someone else.