Christmas traditions have been the handed down generation to generation, but some can start today. Christmas traditions are a fun way for families to engage in Christmas festivities, making memories, year after year.
Continuing family Christmas traditions is both necessary and meaningful. My husband and I began our own traditions when we married 29 years ago and started our own little family. These traditions are still very important to me, and my entire family; we continue them today, even though my youngest is almost 24 years old.
“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time. -Laura Ingalls Wilder
Returning to childhood, even if only one day each year, is both delightful and important. It makes us joyful and gives us hope. Christmas traditions are something to look forward to.
Erma Bombeck knew this when she wrote, “There’s nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.” I think this is one reason we have children. (a tiny reason but still…)
No matter the stress in our lives, no matter the age of the “child,” Christmas morning is the one moment that seems to lift that stress a bit.
“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” -Norman Vincent Peale
Here are a few traditions that my family observes, every Christmas:
- Buy a different wrapping paper for each child. No gift tags are needed. The child knows which present(s) are his/hers. This makes it easier Christmas morning as well. The child can even choose his/her wrapping paper if you don’t mind Star Wars or Frozen.
- Open one present the night before Christmas, right before bed. Have a theme every year of “something to keep you warm.” You could give blankets, pajamas, house shoes, a sweater, cozy sheets, socks, gloves, or a scarf. Anything to keep the child warm all winter long.
- Beginning their ‘First Christmas’ buy a picture Christmas ornament and insert a recent picture. Hanging on the tree year after year is a fun way to remember and to see how much your child has grown. When the child gets married, you can give him/her all their picture ornaments for their own tree.
- Pick a focal point, and take your children’s picture in that same spot, Christmas after Christmas. This is another fun way to see your child grow and relive Christmas memories.
- Have a Christmas Eve lunch or dinner using the same recipe. You can hand this recipe down to your children and they can continue the tradition.
- Allow your child to place the star, angel or whatever tree-topper your family uses, on top of the tree. Rotate this honor child to child each year.
- On Christmas morning, while opening presents, allow only one present to be opened at a time, one child at a time. Youngest to oldest or oldest to youngest. Don’t forget the middle child-let them start the opening process every year or so. This makes Christmas morning last a bit longer.
After all, “Christmas is the day that holds all time together.” Well said Alexander Smith, well said. I hope for you this holiday, love, peace, childish moments of glee and a lot of Christmas traditions.
[…] Originally published on December 20 , this Christmas tradition blog post is included in a series of guest blogs, I am blessed to be included in, on Crystal Stine’s blog. […]