I’ve been thinking today about goals and dreams. Hubs & I recently sat down and came up with goals for our marriage – things we’d like to do in the next week, month, year, five years, and 15 years – and it made me think about what I might like to accomplish in that time frame, on my own. Since I have a tendency to avoid failure at all costs, I usually set goals for myself that I’m 99% sure I can actually accomplish, and usually before my self-imposed deadline.
But what if I went bigger? What if I let my imagination run wild and I truly believed that I can do all things through Christ? What if I stopped limiting myself to what I know I can do and dream about what I would really – truly – love to do? If time and passion and talent and God’s plan for my life all lined up…what would I want to do? What if I’m not able to put deadlines on these – would I still verbalize them, make them known to the world and be held accountable?
I think I would.
I don’t know where to start with any of these, to be honest. Right now photography is a hobby and one that is more luck than skill. The only writing I do is on this blog, where it’s read by…oh…10s of readers three times a week (love all of you!), and to be fair, it’s not usually that great & I have no focus. Moving from our home is not an option, so working for wonderful and God honoring companies/websites might be difficult. And the ministry? Scary.
See, I have all of these reasons why my dreams will become nothing more than dreams. But God is bigger than all of those reasons. What would happen if I gave these dreams completely – not even hanging on by a pinky – to God, and allowed Him to do with them as He desired for my life. What if…..what if I just got out of His way? I think that’s a good place to start.
What are your God sized dreams? I’d love to pray about them for you.
LoveFeast Table says
Great post! Wishing you confidence, joy and continued inspiration as you take steps toward accomplishing your dreams! Thanks for sharing! Chris Ann & Kristin
Recovering Church Lady says
Great dreams! I am dreaming big lately also and believe that it is the little first steps that can lead to accomplishing those big steps. Your blog, like mine is already helping women, so we are doing it!
Yay You!
LoveFeast Table says
Great post! Wishing you confidence, joy and continued inspiration as you take steps toward accomplishing your dreams! Thanks for sharing! Chris Ann & Kristin
Recovering Church Lady says
Great dreams! I am dreaming big lately also and believe that it is the little first steps that can lead to accomplishing those big steps. Your blog, like mine is already helping women, so we are doing it!
Yay You!
Cherry Tree Lane says
YOU GO GIRL! You have all kinds of dreams. And I am proud of you for sharing…..
Emmy says
I also have a God-sized dream to be a writer and a speaker that shares with women how to love God and His plan, even when it is completely different from your own.
Good for you for being brave enough to put these out there. I heard on the radio today a quote from someone at Proverbs 31 ministries that said, “How can we be women of faith if we don’t live a life that requires faith?” I LOVE IT! If you and I only set Crystal-sized or Emmy-sized goals, then how can God get the glory?
Great posting!