This might seem a little odd, but I couldn’t sleep last night because I had two friends on my mind. They are two of my favorite people that I have ever met, and I hope they don’t mind the “friend” reference, since I have technically spoken to or seen either of them since college. The only way I convinced myself to fall asleep was to make some sort of strange internal promise that I would blog about them today 🙂
Dayton & Karen Castleman are two of the most amazing, artistic, God-loving people I know. I met them while I was in college and Dayton worked for the CCO at Wayne Presbyterian. He is an incredible artist and his wife Karen is the most amazing dancer I have ever seen. While I have more than a few memories of college I wish I could forget, the time I was able to spend with the two of them are memories I cherish.
Two things I remember – trying to figure out how in the world Dayton came up with the artwork that he created (an “apple” theme, at the time) and also how I could ever afford to purchase one of his pieces, and seeing Karen dance with Momix in NYC.
During an episode of Ghost Hunters, when they were investigating Eastern State Penn in Philly, I even had the chance to brag that Dayton was one of the artists whose work could be seen throughout the facility. More importantly, these two incredible children of the King played a huge role in building my faith. Movie nights, Jubilee, fun, laughter, digging into scripture – it’s a part of my testimony that formed who I am today, and I could never say “thank you” enough.
I’m not sure why God put them on my heart so strongly last night, but it’s made me miss them. If you happen to be in Chicago and can see either of them do what they do best, I hope you do! And tell them I said “hi” 🙂
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17