We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that Lisa Jo posts at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FMFParty
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
It’s easy to join in, just:
- Check what the prompt is on Lisa Jo’s blog.
- Write a post in only five minutes on that topic on your blog.
- Link over at Lisa Jo’s and invite friends to join in!
- Be sure and encourage the person who linked up before you!
Today’s prompt (which has nothing to do with grippered footie pajamas. disappointing. hehe.): Welcome
I want you to feel like you are meant to be here. When you flip through the pages of this blog, or my posts on Twitter, or my Instagram feed, I want you to feel like you can kick your feet up and feel welcomed into this life that I’m sharing.
When I feel most welcome, it’s when I know other people are being real. When they aren’t afraid to show their flaws because they know that the cracks are just places where God’s light can shine through. I want you to feel that way when you’re here – that you see a true reflection of my life. An honest one, where instead of always sharing the perfect smiling happy child, I tell you stories of melt downs and failures so you can feel like you aren’t alone.
I am nowhere near perfect, and I hope that makes you feel like you can come over, put your feet on the coffee table and snuggle into the sofa for some giggles, chocolate, and true life. Because nothing says “welcome” to me like authenticity.
(my daughter is having a melt down in the photo above because her daddy wouldn’t let her eat paper.)
Crystal says
lol oh it’s fun…in that “drive you crazy” kind of way 🙂
Jessica Heights says
Of course I liked you post, but I must comment on the mean Daddy your daughter has. No paper???? Eating it is one of the joys of toddler life! 😛
{Really though, it made me giggle. Isn’t it funny what little ones become upset over?}
Crystal Stine says
I love that you are authentic. That’s the number one thing I am drawn to with friends and something I strive to be, because don’t we all just want to be known and loved anyway? Beautiful write and your poor paper loving daughter! LOL
Crystal Stine says
‘nothing says “welcome” to me like authenticity.’
Crystal Stine says
I bet someone will be goofy enough to do it!
Crystal Stine says
Oh, I so agree, Crystal- welcome goes hand in hand with authenticity! The picture of your girl is so great- love it!
Crystal Stine says
Alene, I’m so glad you could sotp by! And good on you for staying up late AND taking time to comment 🙂 I’m impressed!
Crystal Stine says
I do what I can {wink}
Crystal Stine says
i know, right? hehe
Crystal Stine says
lol oh goodness, I hope we don’t cause you asthma attacks but i might just fall over if i see footie pjs walking down the halls of the Hilton!
Crystal Stine says
Thanks! (and me too! you should see me when I’m in a “I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR” moment as I stare at my closet full of clothes. oh the shame.)
Crystal Stine says
Amen girl!
Crystal Stine says
I know, we’re so awful aren’t we? She can’t eat paper, she can’t eat grass, she can’t eat the cat food. Sigh. {wink}
Crystal Stine says
I definitely fell asleep with a big smile on my face..that was a fun #FMFParty! And I adore the colander analogy, that’s so perfect 🙂
Crystal Stine says
Joy – if I would have had more than 5 minutes I could have easily gone into a whole post about the fits I through when God takes away (or gives me!) something I want (or don’t want!). I’m not too far away from that little girl when I really look at it 🙂
Joy Messimer says
How dare he not let her eat the paper! LOL (Boy, do I know that well.) I agree with you. I tend to gravitate towards blogs that are transparent and real. I don’t really want to know how you have it all together- I want to know how God is working in your life and how He’s changing you.
Nikki says
Oh yes. I see you. And I’ve only recently met you 😉
My grandma used to say that life’s hurts poked holes in us, true, but only to make us a colander so His grace could shine through. Thank you for reminding me of that!
and I’m still laughing about the footed pjs! 🙂 Thanks for joining in #FMFParty last night!
mamalady says
Oops, Mama Lady is me… Jamie @ One Blessed Lady. Need to change that someday.
mamalady says
I totally agree about the transparency and authenticity. I can’t relate to others who don’t allow me to see the cracks in them. We need more authentic and transparent Christians!
As for the eating paper… Well, what kind of parents are you anyways? Don’t you let your child do, say or eat anything they want? Is that not the way to parent? Heh.
Amy Tilson says
Love the analogy of cracks allowing God’s light to shine through. By the way, how dare you not let that precious little Madison eat paper! Bad daddy! 🙂
Tammy_Skipper says
I adore this. I cannot relate to women who never show me weakness, it seems they are hiding from me. You said it so much better, I need to see their cracks so His light can shine through. Allowing myself to be cracked today, may it be for His glory.
Elizabeth says
I love this. And I’ve thrown fits over things sillier than not being able to eat paper 😉 I think you do “authentically welcoming” very well!
Diana Denis says
Poor baby! Who said there’s anything wrong with eating paper? 🙂 Thanks for being so welcoming AND SILLY! The footed pajamas? If they show up at Allume I might need my inhaler.
Mary Bonner says
I do feel welcome, Crystal! And not letting her eat paper?!? Seriously? What kind of dad is he, anyway?!!? JUST KIDDING!
Wendy says
I am totally on my way over to cuddle on the couch for some chocolate and chat friend! I might even find some footy jammies! So blessed to share these 5 minutes with you!
Mary Beth says
Always feel welcome here! Smooth fitting the grippered footied pajamas in…
Alene Snodgrass says
Ah this is beautiful! You make me feel welcome and I know you wrote in only 5 flat because the word just came out. I’m baffled, but honored to be here soaking up your welcoming words. Blessings.