You might not have realized this about me, but I LOVE me some encouragement. It comes naturally for me to do and it’s the way I feel most loved. Nothing makes me happier than watching women cheer for one another on social media when they could be jealous and bitter.
Nothing kills comparison faster than an encouraging word.
Ask me how I know 😉
Here are a few things I’ve learned as a “professional” encourager (that’s a thing, right?):
1. It takes practice – so keep at it!
2. Do what works for you – hate writing letters but love baking cookies? Send cookies!
3. Don’t feel like it? Do it anyway.
4. It will bless them – but it will bless you more
5. It’s rare – you’ll stand out from the crowd more for being encouraging than for being envious
6. Encouragement is contagious – the more you share, the more you’ll be surrounded by people who encourage you
7. It’s not easy – and that’s ok
8. There is usually a hard story behind “her” success – cheer for what she’s accomplished even if you envy where she is now
9. Not everyone gets to do everything, attend every conference, win everything – encourage them now so they’ll encourage you when it’s your turn
10. Take time to refill – spend time in the Word, be inspired, worship – so you can go back out and do it again
If you want to find the kind of community that encourages, cheers, and sends cupcakes, then be the kind of person who is known for doing that!