A few weeks ago I put out a request on Twitter asking some sweet Tweeting moms I know to share their advice for a first time mom. It’s been on my heart lately to seek suggestions and real life advice from moms who have been there, done that, and survived to tell the tale. Consider it a search for the Proverbs 31 woman 🙂
Here are the responses I received:
Don’t worry about your to do list…let it go…take naps every time your new baby takes naps. You will be tired from getting up to feed the baby every 2-4 hours and need the rest for your body to recoop. Once the baby sleeps all night then start getting more of that to do list done!
~ Karen @FaithFamilyFibr
My #1 piece of advice, based on my limited four month experience, is to GO EASY ON YOURSELF. Know that your level of productivity will totally shift…and that it’s okay! You just had a baby, you’re getting adjusted and everything is different – from your body to your energy level. For a long time I felt like I wasn’t getting anything done, but after talking with moms of all levels of experience, I discovered was going way beyond new mother expectations. I just needed to realize I can’t do everything I could pre-baby. Snuggling with and caring for your new baby are the most important parts of your job as a mom. Embrace those “tasks”!
As for my Twitter community – it’s been GREAT to have those real-life moms at my fingertips for advice, commiserating, sharing funny things, etc. They’ve been lifesavers for my many questions and companions during those middle of the night feedings. Soo, I guess THAT should have been my #1 piece of advice – join Twitter – ha!
~ Laura @lovegrrbottle
And finally, this wonderful post by Lisa-Jo, @thegypsymama: “Why Motherhood Shouldn’t Be Graded on a Curve”
Sarrilly says
hey Crystal,
My friend just sent this to me and it made me think of you and this post!
Sarrilly says
As a new mom myself (fresh out of the gate exactly one month today!), I am still learning so much…
One thing I am definitely in the process of learning and relearning is NOT to compare the little guy to other babies around me, and not to be discouraged when what he does is so different than what he “should be doing” according to the books. Each baby is so different (just like each pregnancy is different), so I need to daily hold onto Psalm 139 and cling to the fact that God knows this little one best – He created him, and he is first and foremost His. There will be good days and there will be not-so-good days. Lay all your concerns at His feet and take time to delight in the wonder of His creation – each little smile, coo, and giggle 🙂
Can’t wait to share stories, Crystal!!! Love you!
Kiera says
Pray for patience, because the little one is new to the world and may respond by a lot of crying but it will be soon over. Also marvel at God’s creation in this new little one, and don’t take the good or bad for granted but keep learning. I think trying to see things through my son’s eyes helped me to have lighter heart and a better appreciation for the love of God. Also laugh, laugh at the silly things you will do, the times that you end up being peed on or spit up on, or the time you have poo in the bath and have to start all over. Laughing is a much better response than a complaint is and makes you remember that it isn’t so bad after all. And once last thing ask for help when needed, even if you don’t totally trust that person to parent how you would parent a break is good and makes it all make sense again.