Linking up again over at Lisa Jo’s for 5 Minute Friday! Today’s topic: Join.
I like to be part of a group.
I like to feel included. Feel like I belong and have a community.
I like to join projects, missions trips, fundraisers, Bible studies, blog link ups {wink}.
But when it comes right down to it, I still feel like I don’t belong. I feel unsettled in this skin I’m in, like I’m not doing exactly what it is that God has called me to do. But I don’t even know what that “something” is, if I’m going to be honest.
I like to join, but I like even more to be asked to be part of something. I like to be invited. Because sometimes I feel like I’m always offering of myself, emptying out for other people, and not being filled up by any of the “stuff” I fill my life with.
Something about this heart that God designed craves community. This heart that has words of encouragement for others desperately seeks ways to join where the action is, while struggling to step out of my comfort zone and not feel like I just invited myself to a party where I’m not welcome. If I’m honest {and probably a little petulant} I really don’t want to be the one who is always organizing, planning, inviting, joining, creating. Sometimes, I just want to be invited to join, to show up, and be filled.
Dana Pittman says
Crystal, I see. I pray your desires will be fulfilled. Congrats on articulating them well and being willing to share. Have a great week. 🙂
Crystal says
Dana, that’s a great question. I would like to be invited to join a Bible study/play date/girls day without having to be the one planning it 🙂 I would like to be invited to do things that are a little scary (speaking, for example) so that I’m encouraged out of my comfort zone. It’s all kinds of things, but mostly just not wanting to have to be in charge all the time. Which, oddly, is actually a gift in itself (planning).
Crystal says
it’s a crazy circle, isn’t it? community can be complicated, but also very beautiful when you stop letting fear get in the way (a reminder to myself!)
Crystal says
{hugs} to you Fiona – thanks for letting me know I’m not alone
Crystal says
Almost a week later & I’m getting to respond to these! Such a slacker — you made me smile with this comment 🙂 I can’t wait to meet you and I will bring “naked nails” so I can try that nail polish!
Amy Tilson says
How did I almost miss you this week?? That would have been horrible. You are cordially invited to hang out with me as much as you want at Allume. We will trade favorite nail polish finds. I’ve just got a new one that is quickly becoming a favorite and maybe my signature!! 🙂
Fiona says
You put it perfectly. I feel the same way.
Rozanne Paxman says
Why do we do that – wait to be invited? I am so guilty of this. When I am invited, I am so delighted to join in, but then again, I am fearful of inviting because I think I may be rejected. But that is so silly because other people are out there, waiting to be invited too!
Dana Pittman says
I understand much of what you’ve shared. Pouring out. Giving to others. Wanting to be included and not merely “there”. Mind if I ask…what about you like to be invited to? How would you like to share your gifts?
Mandy Scarr says
Thank you for sharing this! You definitely fit in as your shared my heart in this too. Smerimes I just want to be filled and sometimes I just want someone else to invite me….
Have a marvelous weekend!
Amanda Hill says
I’m not the next in line to Lisa-Jo’s great five-minute Friday idea, but I’m a fellow blogger, wife, and mother and I’m here to say you so totally fit in. Hang in there. Keep writing and living and praying. Here I am, filling you up with confidence. Because you deserve it.