Encourage one another.
It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Would you like to know a secret? It has been the single most effective way for me to build my blog.
And also required the heaviest sifting of my heart to find.
It has brought me the most joy and has found me more often than not on my knees before the Father in tears. I have had to put my selfish pride behind me and do things – in blogging, online communities, and real life – that bring glory to God. And it’s hard.
My natural tendency is to strive. To have a goal and do everything in my power to make it happen. When it works, my pride grows. When it fails, my pride suffers and I become insecure, comparing and wondering why it worked for “her” but not me. And that, sweet friends, is an ugly path I have traveled down far too often.
I’d love for you to join me over at Allume today to read the rest 🙂