Cheri Gregory
"From a young age, I considered slacker a far worse insult than workaholic. Believed that God condemned relaxation while condoning over-work. Considered work-life balance absurd fantasy and dismissed doing nothing as a contradiction in terms. Oh, to have met Crystal before mid-life found me burnt-out, bewildered, and bitter. She's the perfect blend of reassuring friend and challenging mentor all-or-nothing gals like me need!
Through the pages of Holy Hustle, Crystal will equip you to strive less and serve more. You'll receive permission—and admonition—to do only what you're actually called to do. Learn how to exchange exhaustion for excitement; comparison for community. And you'll finally find the unique balance of holy and hustle God created you for."
Crystal Stine
Cheri Gregory, co-author of Overwhelmed and You Don't Have to Try So Hard