You are beautiful. Just as you are.
Whether you’re heading out the door in a suit, yoga pants, or jeans.
Whether your job comes with the title of mommy, vice president, nurse, or {fill in the blank}.
Whether you have a strong community of friends or live life a little more alone than you’d prefer.
Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert.
Whether all your God-sized dreams have come true or you don’t even know how to start dreaming.
You are beautiful.
God planned for you before the world was ever spoken into creation. Before stars were placed in the sky and flowers planted and seas formed – God knew you.
You are a beautiful daughter of the King – the God who created stunning plants and animals and sunsets and sunrises – He formed YOU. He didn’t run out of special, or beautiful, or worthy by the time you came along. And He never will.
You are beautiful – whether you had a good day, a bad day, an ugly day you wish you could do over. Whether you feel successful or like you’ve messed it all up – again. The measurements of the world have no impact on the Kingdom plans God has for you – and they are good.
And you are beautiful.
Living life.
You are beautiful. Just as you are.
This post originally ran in January. It’s amazing how each year as we get ready to reset the calendar and make goals for a new year, this message is one my heart needs again and again. Hopefully it encourages you today, too.