My favorite memory of Lara is when she joined a Google Hangout chat I was doing with some friends and shared with us the chicken story from her book, “To Walk or Stay.” We were reading through her book as a little book study and loving it, and it was such a treat to have her join us.
But that’s the kind of amazing woman Lara is. The kind who will write a book, speak at events, run a blog called A Million Praying Women, write at her own blog, write Bible studies for HelloMornings, raise a family, take the most incredible photos on Instagram and still make time to join four gals from PA on a video chat.
Lara has taught me how to be a woman who prays. She has taught me how to be a blogger who writes because God inspires the words and not because of any worldly agenda. Lara is a phenomenally talented artist – with her words, her photography, with her life, and with her slam poetry.
Oh yes.
Sometimes God just puts incredibly special people in your life, and Lara is one of those for me. We don’t talk every day – we might not even connect outside of a few social media “likes” more than once a month or so, but she has made an impact on my life with her words. And this word-loving-gal is more grateful than I could possibly say. On the rare occasions I get to spend time with Lara at a conference, she is kind, welcoming, hilarious, and generous with her time.
Most importantly? The woman you think you know online? She is exactly that in person – and so much more. When I think about what it means to be authentic on my online interactions, I mean that I want people to be more surprised about how similar I am in real life to the person I’m sharing online, instead of surprised about the differences. Lara is the real deal and in the top 5 on my list of women I’d love to have coffee with in real life.
Connect with Lara:
Who are you learning from and loving this week? Share with me in the comments!