When you attend a conference about wild obedience, you should probably be prepared for God to blow your mind.
I wasn’t prepared.
He totally did it anyway.
I could give you a recap of the keynote speakers, the sessions, the 3 hour lab I taught or my session on community building but you’ll be able to find those anywhere and I don’t think I can write about them in a way that inspires you. I want to tell you what God did in my heart this weekend.
He drew me close and affirmed that He’s not done with me yet. I’ve been struggling with this feeling recently that maybe..just maybe…God had answered my one BIG prayer request and now? It was just up to me to not mess it all up and He could move on to someone else.
That’s not how God works. And He gave me a vision this weekend that chipped away at the insecurities that had been building a wall in my heart. I asked Him to show me how He feels about me and in my mind I saw how my little girl runs to me and clings around my neck with all the love her heart can hold. In my own heart I felt an overflow of compassion, grace, and love. The fear I felt that God was stepping away from me, holding me at arms length, finished with me, ready to move on to someone else? Gone. And while I could have processed that vision on my own and maybe understood it’s impact, God didn’t have that planned for me, either. He put Lara in my path, to listen in the way that she does with such gentle encouragement. She gave me space to speak this vision aloud and wasn’t afraid of the tears that came with it. This weekend, wild obedience looked like a friend who stopped to listen.
I’d be lying if I stopped there and let you assume that was the only moment. To be honest, I spent the entire weekend on the verge of tears, the kind that grip me from the inside out when I feel the presence of God. I know I’ve written about wanting more “un-fine” in my life, and this weekend, God showed me what can happen when I follow through with that desire.
Though I was nervous about teaching a 3 hour lab, I was downright terrified about my session. I love speaking and teaching and encouraging and equipping – but as much as I can easily call myself a writer, I doubt my speaking abilities. I know God is calling me to be a communicator, but it doesn’t all come easily to me. What if no one showed up? What if women DID show up? Oh and sure, why not have a sense of humor God, as you schedule it during the last session of the last day (aka THE ONE I ALWAYS SKIP).
But God.
Twice. Twice He brought women into my path to ask me how I was doing. And twice I said “I don’t know if I can do this.” And twice they laid hands on me and prayed me straight through my session. Kat, Kristen, Erin, Elisa – women I admire with my whole heart because they ARE the real deal. The type of women I want to be around online. The women, writers, speakers, mamas, friends that I imagine in my head when I’m writing to “her” on this blog. This weekend, wild obedience looked like friends who prayed.
And then. Oh the “and then” of this weekend could go on forever. I could never have expected God to affirm another quiet little dream of mine while I was there – especially through a 6 am workout. Before the sun rose. EARLY. But I’ve felt this nudge toward pursuing an instructor training and after a workout that left me literally on the floor, face down on that scratchy hotel carpet, hands open to God, weeping – I knew. And after a quick chat with Alisa, who looked me straight in the eye and said “Yes. You will do this.” – I believed. This weekend, wild obedience looked like saying “yes” without knowing all the answers.
I’m exhausted but excited.
Love the images in this post? Me, too! They were designed by the amazing team at (in)courage and I’m delighted to offer them as my gift to you when you subscribe to my blog. 31 of them, to be precise. A full month of “Praying for your Community” encouragement cards to keep with you, to remind you to pray for the community you’re in and the community you’re building. If you already subscribe I’ll be sending them out to you soon, but if you’re new here, I’d love to invite you to sign up here!
I so needed this Crystal!! Thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement! I wish I could have attended this conference but I’m so thankful for this message as it is something I’ve been feeling for quite awhile now…you are a blessing <3
Aww friend, how I love you so.
I’m so thankful for all the ways God uses you to bless women like me. You are a gem. xoxo
So encouraging to hear all (or a few) of the ways God met you at Declare. Without knowing the details I affirm that God surely is not done with you yet. His love and work and healing is not scarce. He’s over the moon about you and delights in using you to bless others. Looking forward to hearing how your journey with Him continues to unfold.
Can I say again how great it was to finally meet you, Crystal! I hope you’ll now picture this reader sometime as your blog always touches my heart!
I love your transparency!! I am so glad your dear friends were able to pray for you…that enabled you to minister to the rest of us! You were very accessible and encouraging. I cannot thank you enough for the feeling of acceptance that you gave all of us. Somehow we are all still those silly little jr. high girls inside! The Lord is so good that when all our insecurities met, He grew love and assurance out of them. Only He could take our ashes and make such beauty!
Wonderfully said. God is using you well.
Oh my goodness, so precious. Our Daddy-God smiles over you. He’s not done with you, friend. And I can’t wait to watch how He continues to unfold His good plan in your life. xoxo
Your words speak my heart. Different friends, different fears, different yeses—but the same God working in our hearts. I AM NOT the same person who came to the conference. The authenticity and community left me tearful and overwhelmed and determined. I will be wildly obedient in my community so He can change my corner of the world.
I sat here at home all weekend reading the tweets and looking at the photos and I knew that this is a community that I want to be a part of. Not because it’s full of cool women like you (which it totally is!), but because it’s full of women who are not afraid to be real. I admire that about you so much.
Well, shoot. Now I’m teary again. So glad we were able to cry all weekend together! And I have no doubt what God has spoken will come to pass!
Love you friend!
Love you, too girl. Hopefully we’ll get to hang out again soon 🙂
Sounds like a beautiful time with sisters … so encouraging to read!
It was more than I could have imagined – God is so faithful 🙂
Love it! That goes perfectly with one of my favorite quotes “Purpose unfolds as we are obedient.” I have no idea who gets the credit for that one, but it has never left my heart. Wild obedience + wild (the dream big kind) purpose!
Oh that’s good! I like that 🙂