I love New Years resolutions. Not because I’ve found it particularly effective to set a major life change goal in January, but because I love goals. Whether it’s updating a vision board (I have one beside my desk), making a to-do list to plan my day, or having coffee with my husband to plan our financial goals, I’m a big proponent of planning. It’s part of holy hustle for me – making a plan with goals that I can track so I can work hard when it’s time to hustle and rest well when it’s time to recharge. Without a plan, I flounder, working harder but not smarter.
Ultimately I’m a fan of resolve instead of resolutions.
I have my own set of goals for this year, a list that probably looks a lot like yours. Living a healthier life, focusing on my family instead of chasing fame, checking off some really big God-sized dreams. But this year, instead of simply adding MORE to my life, I’m choosing to intentionally leave some things behind in 2016.
I believe that God is always working in our lives to do a new thing – and I can’t accept anything new when I’m clutching tightly to the old. So, to make room in my life and my heart for what God has next, I’m choosing to walk into 2017 without:
Uncertainty – God has given me some beautiful talents, skills, and dreams and I’m tired of doubting them.
Anger – Some things happened with my career and with community last year that left me broken. I was hurt badly by a place and people I loved and respected, and by the grace of God I’ve been able to move forward with kindness through the hurt. But I’ve also been angry. I’ve waited for public acknowledgment of my contributions, an invitation to be included, a message from those I thought were friends, and none of it has come. I can’t allow any of that to continue to impact my life as God works to heal my heart, so the anger and frustration stay in 2016 and I’m choosing to move forward with forgiveness (even if I have to choose that path every morning).
Seriousness – I take myself far too seriously. When a friend asked what silly hope or goal I had for this year, I couldn’t think of anything, because “silly” isn’t something I do easily. I want to take a few cues from my daughter this year and lighten up. I want to laugh more, dance randomly and refuse to wear uncomfortable pants (she’s 5. it’s a thing.)
Jealousy – This might not be a popular sentiment, but I’m a big fan of unfriending and unfollowing people on social media who make your heart heavy with envy. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to intentionally curate a community of women who think, look, dream, and work differently from me. I love that! What I don’t want is anyone taking up space in my feed who doesn’t feed my soul with their words or who distracts me from the path God has me on. If I dread seeing someone in my social media feed, I might just need to take a break from their posts so I can spend more time where God wants me – focused on Him, my family, and the community He has given me in my real life.
What are you leaving behind in 2016? What have you been holding onto tightly that you need to lay down so God can do a new thing? I’d love to offer you this free download to help you plan this year: 12 simple goal setting pages and a holy hustle printable.
Janna Wilson says
Girl, I love this take on resolutions…awesome! So good. I have had a similar mindset in moving into the new year. What will I leave behind. What burdens will I let go of to step lighter into 2017. So good. Thank you!
Pearl Allard says
Crystal. Wow. This post really resonated. Thank you so much for encouraging me out of your pain (which I pray decreases quickly), and for putting into words thoughts I couldn’t articulate. My general two goals for the year are 1. Be a decent person lol and 2. Focus (by decluttering) and you totally helped me understand another facet of decluttering. Loved this!
Crystal Stine says
I love both of those goals!
Karina Allen says
I love everything about this my friend!!!!! I am praying for you in this new season. God will do immeasurably more than you can ask, think, or imagine. It’s what he does best!
I love you and am beyond grateful for all that you bring to the world! It’s ordained and anointed.
Crystal Stine says
Love you too, gal – it’s good to hear from you!
adaughtersgiftoflove says
I don’t make resolutions either and I like your list. I had to leave anger out even if it’s being mad at the devil, it’s just better to focus on Jesus. Like Joseph, we need to forget, the past, with His help.
Teresa says
Thank you, Crystal. I’m with you on the uncertainty part— I’ve always struggled here and I’m weary. God is good and He brings good reminders of what He is trying to do in us.
Amy says
Crystal, I love reading your thoughts on goals, hustle, comparison. All of it. I’ve been thinking about all these things and what it looks like for me. I had to set some new goals for how I use social media this year. I resonate with the need to unfollow those that are life draining. I just don’t want to be spending my time letting other people’s voices unnecessarily drag me down. (I wrote about my social media goals for the year here: http://amyfritzwrites.com/2016/12/30/social-media-dare/)
I can’t wait to see how God moves in your life this year!
Peggy Lucio says
Thank you for your daily reminder and inspiration daily to remind me that it is important and a must to take care of myself – spiritually, mentally and physically.
Donna Ahlberg says
Thank you! You give hope, direction, love. Love one another!