Oh, friends. I missed you last week! I spent a few whirlwind days traveling for work and just flat out didn’t have it in me to write a blog post. Plus, it would have looked like a very boring list of favorites – like sitting in an empty row on an airplane, finding a free outlet to charge your phone at the airport, and sleeping in a hotel room by yourself. Where someone else kindly cleaned up the rest of the coffee grounds that flew all over the floor when I unsuccessfully attempted to make coffee. Because I’m classy like that.
It was exciting stuff, y’all.
I have some good stuff for you this week though, so let’s get to it! {affiliate links included, so if you’re reading in email you might just want to click over so you can see them all. Just a suggestion.)
She-Sheds – so this article has been making the rounds on Facebook and I am OBSESSED. Dear husband, if you read this, please may I have a beautiful little shed as an office? After your fence project? Wouldn’t it look darling in our backyard and I could go out there to work without disturbing anyone? PLEASE? {I’m subtle, right?}
Seamless Bible Study – I love a good Bible study. Beth Moore studies were my first introduction to the idea that women could gather together and learn about Jesus and each other while laughing and talking about their hair. It made me realize that the Bible shouldn’t just be reserved for Sunday mornings but part of my every day – bad hair days and all. This new study by Angie Smith is absolutely gorgeous and I can’t wait to dig in as she covers – oh – just the ENTIRE Bible in 7 sessions. Side note: I don’t know what font Lifeway used for the chapter numbers but it is to die for and I need it in my life.
Devotions for a Healthier You – I’ve been doing this three week (ok – it will be four because of that travel situation I mentioned earlier) healthy eating/exercise thing and it has me realizing a few things. I’ll share more in another post, but one of those “ah ha” moments was noticing that I tend to separate my spiritual practice from my workout/healthy eating thoughts. This devo is a beautiful combination of the two – encouragement, scripture and recipes combined into one beautiful book for a holistic view of “healthy.” I haven’t tried the recipes yet, but I’ll let you know when I do!
Sean Hayes … I don’t like it… I love it. I mean when the tiny guitar comes out I lose it every time.
Best Kept Secret – I have absolutely no idea how this couple kept this secret, but the reactions of their friends and family are delightful. You can’t help but smile.
The War Room Trailer – I’ve seen Fireproof and Courageous and really enjoyed them both. And now this one? With Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore? They usually don’t play in theaters near me, but I’ll definitely be watching when it comes out on DVD!
Revlon ColorStay Gel Envy Diamond Top Coat – I don’t pay for manicures. I’m a mama and I type all day and I workout. My nails are a mess. But when a friend suggested this no-light required gel top coat I had to try it. Hint – you can get it at Target for just$5 in-store (where they’re also launching a Lily Pulitzer line this weekend). So far it’s working great – but it’s only been one day so we’ll see how it goes!
Metallic Tattoos – I brought some of these home last week and Madi made us put matching ones on, and we both love them. It’s like the arm party you don’t have to think about! I really like these and these from Amazon.
Be Still Clothing Co “Jesus Loves This Hot Mess” Shirt – Confession: I do not own this shirt, but I think I need to. And I think Madi needs the kids shirt that says “Jesus is the peanut butter to my jelly.” How cute is that?
Revelation Wellness “She is Free” Shirt – Ok, again. I don’t own this one. Yet. But this message and this style and this COLOR? Well. Hello, love languages, all rolled into one. I’d wear this one all the time.
Roller Lash Mascara by Benefit – Madi stole all my good eyelashes when she was born. I swear it. I remember going to the MAC counter at the King of Prussia Mall in college and being so tickled when the make-up artist told me I had “bangin eyelashes.” Now? They need a little help to get back to my college days, and frankly I’m cheap when it comes to my make-up. But Klout sent me this guy to try for free (you can get it on the Benefit website for a little less than Amazon, but you get free shipping on Amazon, so it’s a toss up) and I LOVE it. It curls. It separates. It defines without clumping and giving me tarantula lashes. It’s totally more than I would usually spend but since I only buy one or two tubes of mascara a year, I think I can make this one work!
Mason & Mimi – Madi loves to get little presents from me when I travel, and I’ve learned that it’s way cheaper to shop clearance at our local Target or Hallmark and surprise her with things than to shop at airports. She doesn’t know the difference and I don’t have to pay $80 for a teddy bear. WINNING. Before Easter I’d found the Interactive Storybook “Mason” bear for her, which she got after school the first day I was gone. She adored him and sent me a video telling me she wanted to keep him forever. Heart = melted. You can also buy a different storybook for him about a trip on an airplane that comes with a backpack that I might need to get for her! When you read the storybook, Mason “talks” by responding to certain phrases in the book (or the cd..or the app). It’s super cute. I just wish it had a volume control!
Mimi arrived in our mailbox while I was gone. The awesome folks at Hallmark sent her to us to play with and review, and I’ll admit we really love her, even though we’ve had a few hiccups. We realized she needed new batteries right away when we’d turn her on and she wouldn’t respond to our voice commands – Mimi sings, so you can tell her what song you want and she’ll play music and sing so you can sing along. Super cute, when it works. Honestly, she doesn’t respond as well as Mason, and it frustrates Madi (though we’re thinking she might be a good tool to teach our kiddo how to enunciate her words). But Mimi is cute and soft and Madi just loves to play with her, even when she’s turned off. But again – Hallmark, please add volume control. For the love.
Devotions from Beth Moore: 20th Anniversary Edition – Since I don’t just want to listen to toddler toys talking at me all the time, I’m really excited about this 2-disc set from Lifeway. Twelve recorded devotions from Beth Moore, celebrating some of her best studies – everything from “Believing God” to “Children of the Day.” They’re all less than 15 minutes long so perfect to listen to in the car on the way to run errands, or in the evening while I’m doing dishes!
Apparently when I skip a week I get wordy. Sorry about that, friends! What have you been loving this week? Any favorite blog posts, videos or make-up I need to try?
Is it creepy to say I think it’s fun we like the same things? 🙂 I was obsessing about She Sheds and The Best Kept Secret this week! And I adore Benefit mascaras, but I was sent Rimmel London’s Lash Accelerator Endless mascara and it works like crazy. Lashes get super long. Anyway, I’ve also been looking forward to The War Room because I was invited to prescreen it, but there’s no event near me so I emailed you my invite. Maybe you can use it. Have a great Friday!
clicking all. the. links. that healthier you devotional sounds perfect!
It’s SO pretty, too 🙂 ps I voxed you..ahem..
Totally agree on the “She Sheds” although we’re about to move (prayers for house selling!!) so maybe we should wait until we move but I LOVE the idea!
Isn’t it so fun?!