Oh yes. You read that right. A video. If you’re reading this in your email (my 10s of followers!) you might want to pop over to my actual blog to view it.
Or don’t.
I can’t promise you’re going to miss much if you choose to ignore that suggestion 🙂
My sweet, amazing, talented, encouraging, grounded in the Word, teacher of Scripture, generous friend Stacey Thacker has written a beautiful book called “Being Ok With Where You Are.” I had the immense pleasure of reading an advanced copy – most of it kept me company on my flights to & from Declare! – and it has made such a powerful impact on my heart. Here’s what I wrote in my review to Stacey:
And now for a brief video break:
Being Ok With Where You Are from Crystal Stine on Vimeo.
So, did you get that? Awesomeness + Generosity + Cupcakes = Stacey Thacker. For every book sold in the first 48 hours (yesterday & today) she is donating $1 to Freeset. Don’t you love that? And she’s also doing some great giveaways on her blog, if you want to pop over & leave her a little love.
You can buy your very own copy (the eBook is only $3.99!) by heading to Amazon. And you can follow Stacey on Twitter (@Stacey29Lincoln) and tell her how amazing she is 🙂 Or hop over to HowTheyBlog.com this week and leave her some love there…because Kat Lee is interviewing her and you won’t want to miss the goodness she has to share. (She’s a busy gal, isn’t she?)
Well done, my friend. Thanks for the honor of being part of your book launch. May hearts be changed and Jesus glorified.
Christine says
WOW – the book sounds awesome!! I’m so excited for Stacey!! And PLEASE make more videos – you made me laugh/snort with your “and really this is just my iphone on my computer…” LOVED it!
Crystal says
Thanks Jennifer! I say just record it and go for it – publish it and be ok that it might not be perfect 😉 I “may” have chopped off a slightly awkward ending as I took 9 hours to stop the recording..ahem…
Crystal says
you will LOVE it 🙂
Crystal says
it’s really good, and I’m not just saying it because I adore Stacey 🙂
Crystal says
ha! thanks girl 🙂
Crystal says
If I could figure out how to incorporate a party banner I totally would have!
Jennifer says
I was just reading her blog the other day and added this book to my list of reads! I thought I had been following her on twitter and hadn’t yet. Thanks for the reminder!
I’ve been experimenting with Vlogging recently (meaning I make and erase them!) I have something i know I’m supposed to say rather than write. It is one more step outside my comfort zone. I so enjoyed seeing your smile and hearing your voice. Great job!
Julie Wilson says
Just loved listening to your encouraging voice!! … and I SOO NEED this book!!
Wanda@The Watered Soul says
This sounds like an awesome book. It’s easy to become uncontent with where we are are.
Aprille {beautifulinhistime.co says
Great vlog! It flowed well and I love how you ended it instead of pretending to come up with some great ending. LOL!
stacey29lincoln says
You need your own party banner for this one girl! Woot! I love it and I adore you for being brave and stepping out into the vlogging world! It is perfect. It is personal. It makes my heart overflow with gratitude!
Love you!