It’s hard to believe that I’m 24 weeks into this pregnancy already. Madison is growing like crazy, we’re working on her nursery, baby shower plans are in the works (thanks Kat and Steph!), and so much more!
At 24 weeks:
Madison is moving so much! It’s fun to feel her wiggle around, but more fun when Matt gets the chance to feel her (it doesn’t happen often, as soon as he puts his hand on my stomach, she calms down. Will remember that trick for when she’s here!)
There are things I expected to experience (being tired, puffy ankles, crazy dreams etc.) and some things I didn’t (achy ribs, a super sensitive stomach, being SO tired)
I’m coming to terms with the weight gain thing, but it’s still hard – and even more difficult to try to exercise/walk when it 100+ degrees outside. That being said…
…Matt and I would already do anything for Madison. She’s still just this little peanut that has 16 more weeks to grow and develop, and we love her, so much.
I have a tentative plan set for my leave of absence from work, and it’s awesome to see how God is putting everything into place. Yay God!
The most stressful thing for me to try to figure out lately? How to fit all of the furniture in the nursery. I had no idea I would get so worked up over it, but I have this image in my head and just can’t get it to quite work yet in reality. We’ll figure it out, eventually!
We’re starting to think about child care options. That’s pretty daunting.
I had my first crazy pregnancy dream this past week – I’ve been having really odd, vivid dreams the whole time, but this was the first one where Madison made an appearance. It was. just. strange. In the dream, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t do anything right, but was very calm about it. Will be interesting to see what other dreams my subconscious comes up with in the next few months 😉
I have these pictures in my head that I can’t wait to see happen in real life. Matt holding Madison for the first time, introducing her to her grandparents, watching her learn from Isabella…there is so much I could be afraid of as a first time mom, and yet God continues to fill my heart with images like those. What a blessing.
Such a wonderful post! You guys are well on your way to being wonderful parents!